Python script qltAccuracy
See also

Aim of module

Performs absolute accuracy checks for entire flight blocks w.r.t. to (ground) control points.

General description

See also
Python script qltAccuracy

The script provides two modes of calculating the deviations w.r.t. the control points (-cptFile):

  • perpendicular distance to a best fitting plane estimated from the neighbouring points of the point cloud: This is the more accuracte, but also the computationally more expensive mode. The following workflow applies: First, the control point file is imported to ODM. For each control point the neighour point in the point cloud dataset (-i,-inFile) are queried based on the search radius defined for plane/normal estimation (cf. qltAccuracy.cfg configuration file). Then the control points and neighbour points are merged to a single ODM and for each control point a best fitting plane is estimated via ....
  • vertical distances to a given Digital Surface Model (-dsm):

The following table contains a list of all involved modules and their default storage location:

Modules addressed in qltAccuracy
OPALS Module Default Directory Comments
Python Bindings of the OPALS Datamanager Library .\acc ODM files
Module AddInfo .\acc ODM files
Module Import .\acc ODM files
Module Grid .\acc grid file representation of corntrol poin dataset
Module ZColor .\qltAccuracy error metrics (point-to-plane distances, local point cloud roughness) as color coded raster maps
Module Export .\qltAccuracy Shape file and text file representation of control point error metrics
Module Histo .\qltAccuracy Histograms of control point error metrics

Parameter description

-cptFile text file, directory or control point file
Type : String
Remark : mandatory
Description: Either the name of an ASCII file (extension .txt) containing the names of the control point files (one file per line) or an expression using wildcards to specify the respective data sets are accepted as Input.
-dsm DSM/DSM-sigma0 raster files in GDAL supported file format.
Type : String
Remark : optional
Description: If set, the control point offsets are calculated as vertical distances from the DSM rather than as point-to-plane distances derived from the point cloud via plane fitting. The first path denotes the DSM (i.e. elevations) and an optional second path denotes the corresponding sigma ( raster. If the latter is available, the is reported along with the offsets for each control point.
Common Package/Script Options
Settings concerning the general options for (package) scripts.
-infile input text file, directory or strip file
Type : String
Remark : mandatory
Description: As input either the name of an ASCII file (extension .txt) containing the names of the data files (one file per line) or an expression using wildcards to specify the respective data sets are accepted.
-outfile output directory or settings file (.txt)
Type : String
Remark : optional
Description: Specifies the directory where the final results are stored. If not specified, the results are created in the current working directory.
-temp temporary directory (default: current directory)
Type : String
Remark : optional, default: '.'
Description: Specifies the directory where all intermediate results are stored. If not specified, a TEMP subdirectory is created in the current working directory. Additional subdirectories (one per involved module) are created.
-cfg configuration file
Type : String
Remark : optional
Description: The name of a configuration file containing all relevant calculation parameters is expected. If not specified, the default cfg files as provided by the OPALS distribution are used.
-projectDir project directory
Type : String
Remark : optional
Description: The default project directory is the current working directory, but can be easily changed by this parameter. All path parameters, if not specified as absolute paths, are interpreted relative to the project directory.
-skipIfExists skip processing if result already exists (default: Boolean(True))
Type : Boolean
Remark : optional, default: Boolean(True)
Description: Skip processing if result already exists. In order to re-run current script it is useful to repeat the processing only if the respective output does not already exist. This allows for incremental processing of large projects.
Possible values:
-gearman address and port of gearman job server
Type :
Remark : optional
Description: currently this option is not yet supported. placed here for future reference
Logging Options
Settings concerning the verbosity level of logging.
-screenLogLevel verbosity level of screen output (default: info)
Type : fromStr
Remark : optional, default: info
Description: The minimum level of log message importance to print on the screen
-fileLogLevel verbosity level of log file output (default: info)
Type : fromStr
Remark : optional, default: info
Description: The minimum level of log message importance to export to the xml-log


To be written.