1 #pragma once
3 #include <opals/config.hpp>
4 #include <opals/RasterFile.hpp>
5 #include <opals/CustomOptionType.hpp>
7 namespace opals
8 {
10  /// File path of a raster dataset with optional specification of a zero-based band index or band name (default: 0
11  class OPALS_API RasterBand : public RasterFile, public CustomOptionType<RasterBand>
12  {
13  String bandName_;
14  public:
15  RasterBand(const String& fileAndBandName = String());
16  RasterBand(const Path& file, const String& bandName);
17  RasterBand(const Path& file, int bandIndex);
19  const String& band() const;
21  static bool exportsPythonType();
22  static const char* help(bool);
23  static const char* syntax();
24  };
26 }
def mergingPointClouds(self, odm_paths, correction_formula_channels)
Definition: preMergeChannelsPointclouds.py:94
Definition: qltPrecision.py:112
def hasInfo(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2573
def getCRS(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:520
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3507
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:57
def diameter(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3086
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:154
def sizeData(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2707
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:138
def isNull(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1570
def hasSubdivision(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3577
def read(self)
read an object from file
Definition: pyDM.py:4852
def create(file, ascii, filter=None, control=None, collectHdrContents=False, maxBulkPoints=1000)
creates new generic import object
Definition: pyDM.py:4948
def dimension(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3228
def maxSearchDistance2D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3236
def process(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3915
Definition: preCutting.py:366
def next(self)
python 2.x increment iterator support for importing file in a for loop
Definition: pyDM.py:4838
def dimension(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3029
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:347
def __init__(self, size=0)
Definition: pyDM.py:1972
def dimension(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3295
Definition: qltPrecision.py:378
def SHPsaveAttribute(self, SHPfeat, attrName, attrVal)
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:137
def _handle_errors(self, result, raiseExceptions)
Reraises exceptions in the main program that occured in other processes than the main program .
Definition: processor.py:216
def points(self)
iterate over all points
Definition: pyDM.py:2603
def sizePolygon(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1115
Definition: pyDM.py:1805
Definition: preCutting.py:358
def getFileFormat(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4795
Definition: qltLSM.py:98
Definition: preDataCheck.py:179
def layout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2750
def __init__(self, file, format=DataFormat.auto, filter=None, control=None, collectHdrContents=False, maxBulkPoints=1000, defaultLayout=None)
creates new import object
Definition: pyDM.py:4774
def getDim(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4712
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:388
def importDBFAttributes(self, flag)
enable (default) or disable dbf attribute import. any subsequent importAttribute, v_setAddInfoMapping...
Definition: pyDM.py:5054
Definition: pyDM.py:1854
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:125
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:174
Definition: qltLSM.py:79
def clone(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4119
def searchPoint(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:834
def process(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2792
general file corruption error: thrown if a file to be used is not interpretable
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:321
def eraseLayout(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:2521
def setHeaderBytes(self, arg1)
set header bytes that should be ignored (binary only)
Definition: pyDM.py:4978
Definition: qltDensity.py:55
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1693
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2309
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:125
def close(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:5081
def validate(self, geom, basePoint=None)
Definition: pyDM.py:440
Definition: qltLSM.py:69
Definition: preCutting.py:371
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:202
Definition: preDataCheck.py:177
def setView(self, layout, readOnly)
applies a certain layout view onto the current object
Definition: pyDM.py:1628
Definition: preCutting.py:436
def exceeds(self, idx)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:4451
Definition: preDataCheck.py:95
def getPointIndexStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:534
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:213
Base class for all custom parameter types.
Definition: CustomOptionType.hpp:39
def getGeometry(self, arg1)
get geometry object by its id
Definition: pyDM.py:703
def setCRS(self, arg1)
set the coordinate reference system from a WKT string
Definition: pyDM.py:842
Definition: pyDM.py:4586
Definition: pyDM.py:2813
def create(file, filter=None, control=None, layout=None, dbfTable=None, idCountIdx=-1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5265
Definition: qltAccuracyRegion.py:35
def clone(self)
returns a full copy of the current object
Definition: pyDM.py:1516
def cloneAddInfoView(self, arg1, arg2)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2194
def isRasterBased(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3591
def was_successful(self, idx)
Gives information about whether or not a module run was successful :param idx: index of the module :r...
Definition: processor.py:309
Definition: preAttribute.py:52
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:137
def maxSearchDistance3D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3319
def layout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:248
def counter(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4175
def binWidth(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3443
def expand(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1862
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:126
def setScopSemantic(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1664
def estimatedPointDensity(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:506
Definition: preDataCheck.py:152
def getAddInfoStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:928
Definition: pyDM.py:1931
def setHeaderLineCount(self, arg1)
set number of header lines that should be ignored (ascii only)
Definition: pyDM.py:4984
def sizePolygon(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:872
def mean(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:263
def ODMsaveAttribute(self, ODMobject, attrId, attrVal)
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:134
def indexHelpers(self)
iterate over all index helper objects
Definition: pyDM.py:4127
Object representing statistical information an spatial index.
Definition: pyDM.py:324
def __init__(self, region, knn, op=Operation.and_)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3740
def tileSize(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:386
def setAddInfo(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:2147
def maxSearchDistance2D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3037
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:393
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:193
def size(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1636
def type(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2721
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1953
def result_fetcher(self, result_queue)
Definition: preCutting.py:323
Definition: qltAccuracyPoint.py:93
def getPolygonCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4740
def isClosed(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2126
def __len__(self)
Enables length query of the local processor object :return: length of the result list.
Definition: processor.py:118
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:124
def estimatePointDensity(self, fastEstimation=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:921
def __getitem__(self, idx)
Enables index queries of the local processor object :param: index of the desired module :return: the ...
Definition: processor.py:127
Definition: pyDM.py:1908
def __init__(self, type, dimension, threadsafe)
Definition: pyDM.py:1152
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:93
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2329
Definition: preDataCheck.py:53
def replacePoint(self, p, attributeOnly=False)
Definition: pyDM.py:800
Definition: qltDensity.py:29
def hasFeatureReference(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3556
def cloneAddInfoFullLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2501
Definition: preDataCheck.py:166
Process opals jobs using the ipyparallel (ipp) framework.
Definition: processor.py:460
def closest(self, distance, idx, basePt, lineIdx1, lineIdx2, minDistPt)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:4439
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:115
def cloneAddInfoView(self, arg1, arg2)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2514
def max(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2911
def clone(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2175
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2032
def setBoundingBox(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5137
def convert(geometry, d2=False)
convert an ogr geometry to an pyDM geometry object or the other way round
Definition: pyDM.py:5304
def merge(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:270
def getColumnType(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1415
def index(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4099
def cutting_process(self, geom_wkt, field_value, infiles, unbuffered_filterstring, rect, points, t, bbox, polygon_counter, rounding_mode, outdir, prefix, extension, vector, raster, filelist, resample, log_queue)
Definition: preCutting.py:979
def sigma(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:285
def totalOutputFiles(self)
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:66
def getScopSemantic(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1657
def targetPtCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3714
def type(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5225
def setEndianness(self, arg1)
set endianness type (binary only)
Definition: pyDM.py:4972
def throwIfXYMissing(self, arg1)
flag to throw exception if x and y coordinates are not set (ascii and binary)
Definition: pyDM.py:5008
def subdivision(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3619
Definition: preDataCheck.py:161
def __init__(self, r)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3014
Definition: qltDSM.py:93
def maxSearchDistance2D(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2968
thrown if the provided filename doesn't exist.
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:238
def _createModule(self, modName)
Definition: preAttribute.py:60
Definition: qltPrecision.py:136
Definition: pyDM.py:3723
Base class of all query objects.
Definition: pyDM.py:3347
def maxSearchDistance3D(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3844
def getIndexLimit(arg1)
get index based bounding box (if no index bounding available the points based bounding box is returne...
Definition: pyDM.py:935
def width(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5233
def write(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5165
def positveFace(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2475
Definition: preMergeChannelsPointclouds.py:24
def get_result(self, idx)
Returns the result of a module run :param idx: index of the module :return : either the result of the...
Definition: processor.py:323
def getGeometry(self, arg1)
get geometry object by its id
Definition: pyDM.py:1070
def transformVertice(self, vertice, normal, beam, pt, yshift)
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:332
def __len__(self)
Enables length query of the multiprocessor object :return: length of the result list.
Definition: processor.py:286
def getLimit(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1084
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:478
def eraseLayout(self, layout)
removes the specified attributes from current object
Definition: pyDM.py:1541
def name(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5208
def readOnly(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:794
def addCoordX(self, externalType=ColumnType(12), converterStr=None)
Definition: pyDM.py:4919
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:106
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:191
def geometries(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1061
def getColumnName(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1393
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:195
def searchGeometry(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1101
def replacePolyline(self, l, attributeOnly=False)
Definition: pyDM.py:812
Interface to a factory object for creating AddInfo layouts.
Definition: pyDM.py:1467
def getPoint(self, arg1)
get point by its id
Definition: pyDM.py:966
Definition: preCutting.py:583
Definition: qltPrecision.py:111
def totalOutputFiles(self)
Definition: qltPrecision.py:58
def sortByDistance(self, refPt, dim, ascending=True)
sorting points by distance to given reference point
Definition: pyDM.py:2038
def getAsDoubleByView(self, arg1, arg2, arg3)
Definition: pyDM.py:2553
Definition: preAttribute.py:69
assertion ob der file_basename drinnen ist.
Definition: qltPrecision.py:291
def type(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2652
Definition: pyDM.py:459
def maxSearchDistance3D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3185
def close(self)
Serves as a placeholder function to have the same structure as the multiprocess class.
Definition: processor.py:182
def setAttributeMapping(self, layout, dbfTable, idCounterIdx=-1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5274
Definition: qltPrecision.py:139
def getTableDefinition(file)
retrieve the table definition of corresponding dbf file (deprecated. use attribute information in fil...
Definition: pyDM.py:5034
def clear(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2373
def run(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3942
def addPoint(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2417
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2765
def indexMaps(self)
iterate over all index map objects
Definition: pyDM.py:4035
def min(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:277
def was_successful(self, idx)
Gives information about whether or not a module run was successful :param idx: index of the module :r...
Definition: processor.py:136
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:165
Definition: qltPrecision.py:160
def getLength3D(self)
returns the 3D polyline length
Definition: pyDM.py:2105
Definition: processor.py:187
def create(file, filter=None, control=None, collectHdrContents=False, maxBulkPoints=1000, defaultLayout=None)
creates new shape import object
Definition: pyDM.py:5027
def __init__(self, file, ascii, filter=None, control=None, collectHdrContents=False, maxBulkPoints=1000)
creates new generic import object
Definition: pyDM.py:4897
def storesOrder(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:900
def save(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:818
def addPolyline(self, l, cloneAddInfo=True, fileId=-1, layerId=-1)
Definition: pyDM.py:620
def cloneView(self, layout, readOnly)
creates a new addinfo object with the provide view layout that refers to the same storage object
Definition: pyDM.py:1528
Definition: preCutting.py:497
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:121
File path of a raster dataset. See Supported grid/raster formats.
Definition: RasterFile.hpp:11
def get_userdata(self, idx)
Returns the userdata back to the user.
Definition: processor.py:154
Interface of a processor in the opals framework of which the others are derived.
Definition: processor.py:18
Definition: qltLSM.py:43
Definition: qltLSM.py:178
Definition: pyDM.py:449
def addPolygon(self, p, cloneAddInfo=True, fileId=-1, layerId=-1)
Definition: pyDM.py:614
Definition: qltDSM.py:59
Definition: qltPrecision.py:146
def getScale(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4649
Definition: processor.py:401
Definition: qltDensity.py:45
def geometryType(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2995
Definition: qltPrecision.py:101
Definition: preCutting.py:331
def eraseLayout(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:2201
def left(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3747
Definition: qltPrecision.py:144
Definition: qltPrecision.py:110
def removeFile(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:5130
def diameter(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3021
def __init__(self, mode, order=SortOrder.ascending, layout=None)
Definition: pyDM.py:3650
def get_result(self, idx)
Returns the result of a module run :param idx: index of the module :return : either the result of the...
Definition: processor.py:145
def isEmpty(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2882
def withRConverter()
returns flag if library comes with RConveter functionality
Definition: pyDM.py:22
def hasMaxSearchDistance(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3795
def sizePolygonPoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:879
def readHeaderSeparately(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4859
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:141
def __init__(self, text, writeAccess=WriteAccess.none, readAccess=ReadAccess.coordinatesAttributes)
Definition: pyDM.py:424
def setCRStoODM(filename, crs)
Definition: pyDM.py:851
def __init__(self, arg1, arg2, arg3)
Definition: pyDM.py:2822
def geometryType(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3102
def histogramAnalysis(self, odm_paths)
Definition: preMergeChannelsPointclouds.py:43
3d sphere object
Definition: pyDM.py:1916
def getInvalidGeometries(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4823
def setHeaderText(self, arg1)
set header bytes that should be ignored (binary only)
Definition: pyDM.py:4990
def yrange(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:1828
Definition: pyDM.py:1852
Definition: qltPrecision.py:168
def type(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:393
def restoreFullLayout(self)
removes any view layout and sets the true storage layout as (internal) layout
Definition: pyDM.py:1598
def getElementCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4613
def getProperty(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:4762
Definition: pyDM.py:2760
def replacePolygon(self, p, attributeOnly=False)
Definition: pyDM.py:806
Definition: qltAccuracyRegion.py:260
Definition: pyDM.py:4577
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:45
Definition: processor.py:207
def analyseDistance(base, other, callback, maxDist=-1.0, d3=True)
For analysing 2d/3d distances between vertices of the base polyline to the other provided polyline (o...
Definition: pyDM.py:4464
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:131
Definition: qltPrecision.py:42
def addPolyline(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2367
def name(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1436
def getHeader(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4816
def getAddInfo(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1736
def addRandomIndexMap(self, arg1, arg2, arg3)
Definition: pyDM.py:4064
def maxSearchDistance2D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3177
programming error which appears if the opals framework wasn't used correctly;
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:200
def getAsDoubleByView(self, arg1, arg2, arg3)
Definition: pyDM.py:2218
def trueId(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4189
Definition: pyDM.py:1851
def hasSampling(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3816
def sizePolylinePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:893
def sizeGeometry(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:548
Definition: preCutting.py:69
def addColumn(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1490
def minCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3457
Definition: processor.py:478
def includeTrajectory(self, tempdir)
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:504
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:194
def getLimitODM(filename)
get the limits of an odm, without actually openning the odm (internally uses getHeaderODM)
Definition: pyDM.py:735
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:5185
def type(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3193
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:201
def getIndexStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1077
def clear(self, logger=None)
Clears the processor, i.e.
Definition: processor.py:172
def cellsize(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3514
def increment(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2868
Definition: qltPrecision.py:141
def mode(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3464
def region(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3707
def refPt(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3605
Definition: pyDM.py:1361
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:33
def __init__(self, file, format=DataFormat.auto, filter=None, control=None, collectHdrContents=False, invalidHeight=1.7976931348623157e+308)
creates new export object
Definition: pyDM.py:5075
Definition: pyDM.py:1930
def setAttributeMapping(self, layout, mapping)
to come
Definition: pyDM.py:5063
def isBool(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2672
def set(obj, translators, leaf, layout, filter=None, rowIdx=0)
set attributes of a point index leaf object from a numpy dictionary
Definition: pyDM.py:4343
def columns(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1385
def sizeNull(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2714
def __init__(self, count)
Instantiates a multiprocess-Object.
Definition: processor.py:399
def run(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:2829
factory interface for creating polygon objects
Definition: pyDM.py:2395
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:298
def getLength2D(self)
returns the 2D polyline length of all parts
Definition: pyDM.py:2224
def parts(self)
iterate over all level 0-parts
Definition: pyDM.py:2595
Definition: preDataCheck.py:156
Definition: preAttribute.py:102
Definition: pyDM.py:1802
def cloneAddInfoFullLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2181
def isCoordianteBased(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3657
def getType(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4656
Definition: preCutting.py:370
def setAddInfo(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:2616
Definition: preDataCheck.py:49
def getControlObject(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:5095
Definition: qltPrecision.py:137
Definition: pyDM.py:1909
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:450
unknown error number, which may appear if exceptions are throw inside used library
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:194
def cloneAddInfoFullLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1709
def addAttrib(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:4911
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:865
Definition: preDataCheck.py:56
def getIndexStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:942
def type(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1644
def getCRS(self)
get the coordinate reference system as a WKT string
Definition: pyDM.py:687
Definition: qltDensity.py:51
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3935
def info(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2251
def getHeader(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:5123
def count(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:234
Definition: preCutting.py:375
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:128
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4055
def get_userdata(self, idx)
Returns the userdata back to the user.
Definition: processor.py:337
callback object
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:106
def getPointCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4733
Definition: pyDM.py:1955
def addCoordY(self, externalType=ColumnType(12), converterStr=None)
Definition: pyDM.py:4927
def geometryType(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3169
def _getModuleName(self, name)
Definition: preAttribute.py:54
def add_region_id(self, obj, id)
Definition: qltAccuracyRegion.py:64
def getInvalidValue(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4620
def xrange(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3259
def getFilter(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4809
def getControlObject(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4788
def geometries(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:672
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:198
Definition: pyDM.py:3487
def mode(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3678
def sizeNode(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:379
def process(self, pt)
callback for processing a point
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:148
def maxSearchDistance2D(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3837
def sizePart(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2482
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:103
def hasSorting(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3823
def max(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:255
def get_error(self, idx)
Returns an exception that occured during a module run :param: index of a module :return: exception.
Definition: processor.py:351
def __init__(self, r)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3079
Definition: qltPrecision.py:104
def setById(obj, DM, layout=0)
set attributes of datamanager objects identified by their id
Definition: pyDM.py:4359
def storesOrder(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:590
Definition: preDataCheck.py:159
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3887
def addSkip(self, arg1)
skip count columns (ascii) / bytes (binary)
Definition: pyDM.py:4941
Definition: qltPrecision.py:167
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:165
Definition: qltDSM.py:61
def cloneAddInfoFullLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2050
def info(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1760
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:197
def isValidODM(filename)
Definition: pyDM.py:763
Definition: preDataCheck.py:181
def get(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:4220
3d point object
Definition: pyDM.py:1678
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:196
def xrange(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:1870
Definition: preCutting.py:437
Definition: pyDM.py:1958
def layout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3671
generic import for pretty much any ascii or binary original geometry data file
Definition: pyDM.py:4892
Definition: preTiling.py:435
def load(filename, readOnly=False, threadSafety=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:770
Definition: preTiling.py:398
Definition: pyDM.py:1956
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:153
Definition: preDataCheck.py:201
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:96
def size(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2757
def getLinePointCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4726
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:129
def densify(line, maxSpacing)
densify a polyline by inserting new points along the line segments
Definition: pyDM.py:4471
AddInfo layouts describe a set of attributes that can be attached to geometry objects.
Definition: pyDM.py:1379
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:128
def make_multipolygon(self, polygon_list, region_id, odm)
Definition: qltAccuracyRegion.py:73
Geometry object describing a finite 3d cylinder.
Definition: pyDM.py:1940
Definition: qltLSM.py:97
def deletePolygon(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:641
Definition: qltLSM.py:65
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:123
Definition: qltPrecision.py:124
def maxSearchDistance2D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3311
def sizeGeometry(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:858
def submit_and_join(self, module=None, finishedText=None, userData=None, raiseExceptions=True)
Module is submitted to a worker, then waits until all the processes are finished.
Definition: processor.py:272
def clearPoint(self)
remove all points from point set
Definition: pyDM.py:1992
def getFilter(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:5116
def points(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1228
Definition: qltPrecision.py:105
Definition: pyDM.py:4592
def sizePart(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2638
def prepareForReading(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4844
def sizePolyline(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1129
def size(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2700
def type(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3327
def resultDouble(self, geom)
Definition: pyDM.py:493
def leafChanged(self, arg1, arg2)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3901
def order(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3685
def __init__(self, file, filter=None, control=None, collectHdrContents=False, maxBulkPoints=1000, defaultLayout=None)
creates new shape import object
Definition: pyDM.py:5020
def sampleAll(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3612
def __init__(self, region, targetPtCount)
Definition: pyDM.py:3700
Definition: qltLSM.py:90
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:101
Definition: pyDM.py:1933
def hasInfo(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2244
def skipWhiteSpace(self, arg1)
flag if white spaces should be skipped (ascii only)
Definition: pyDM.py:4996
def min(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2926
def addPoint(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1986
def sizePolygonPoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1122
def sorting(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3879
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2162
def type(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3133
def get(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:4307
def maxSearchDistance3D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3118
def searchPoint(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1248
Definition: preDataCheck.py:55
def getMaxDepth(self, ignorDegeneratedFaces=False)
returns the maximum hierarchy depth for this poylgon
Definition: pyDM.py:2559
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:105
A file/directory path.
Definition: Path.hpp:26
def currentStep(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3972
def setAddInfoView(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:2295
Definition: processor.py:477
def getLength2D(self)
returns the 2D polyline length
Definition: pyDM.py:2099
def estimatePointDensity(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1178
Definition: qltDSM.py:34
def getPolylineIndex(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:749
def setShapeGeometryType(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5281
def check_pickle(self, histo, datfile)
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:75
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:135
def getLimit(self)
get points based bounding box
Definition: pyDM.py:1190
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:189
def getIndexLimit(self)
get index based bounding box (if no index bounding available the points based bounding box is returne...
Definition: pyDM.py:1184
def getLimit(self)
get points based bounding box
Definition: pyDM.py:957
Contains the public interface of OPALS.
Definition: AbsValueOrQuantile.hpp:8
def getBoundingBox(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4684
def hasQuery(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3809
Definition: pyDM.py:3392
Definition: processor.py:402
def getFilename(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:694
def __init__(self, file, filter=None, control=None, layout=None, dbfTable=None, idCountIdx=-1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5252
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:105
Definition: processor.py:37
def getLimit(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:728
def id(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4014
def maxSearchDistance3D(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2975
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1849
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1906
def k(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3368
def xylim_check(self)
Definition: preDataCheck.py:99
def get_error(self, idx)
Returns an exception that occured during a module run :param: index of a module :return: exception or...
Definition: processor.py:163
Definition: qltAccuracyPoint.py:75
def closePart(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2430
def sizeGeometry(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1108
def stepCount(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:4001
def addId(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:4154
def info(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2119
Definition: qltPrecision.py:108
def restoreAddInfoFullLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2609
Definition: qltLSM.py:68
def value(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2941
def attributes(self)
iterate over all file attributes
Definition: pyDM.py:4677
def type(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2982
def size(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1452
def complete(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2665
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:395
def hasRefPt(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3570
def reservePoint(self, arg1)
reserve memory for points
Definition: pyDM.py:2019
Definition: pyDM.py:409
def type(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1460
def __init__(self, k, dim, mode=KnnMode.omnidirectional)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3361
Definition: preTiling.py:234
def getBoundingBox(geo)
Get the 3D bounding box of a geometry object.
Definition: pyDM.py:4478
def radius(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3125
def index(self, arg1)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1428
def existsODM(filename)
Definition: pyDM.py:655
def dimension(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:337
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:104
def objectsInLeafMean(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:351
def getAddInfoStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:513
def getArea(self)
returns the 2d area of surrounded polygon if the polyline part is closed. For non-closed parts 0 is r...
Definition: pyDM.py:2083
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:177
def createPolygon(self, a, b)
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:323
def sizePointCache(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1038
def txt2polygon(self)
Definition: qltAccuracyRegion.py:97
Definition: qltAccuracyPoint.py:52
Definition: preDataCheck.py:241
def getDataLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4705
Definition: qltPrecision.py:140
Definition: pyDM.py:1932
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:45
def __getitem__(self, idx)
Enables index queries of the multiprocessor object :param: index of the desired module :return: the m...
Definition: processor.py:295
Definition: qltAccuracyPoint.py:99
def cloneAddInfoView(self, arg1, arg2)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1722
def getAddInfoStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:679
def setCRS(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5144
def getLineCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4719
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:69
Definition: pyDM.py:3628
def setAddInfoView(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:1781
def hasInfo(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2112
def size(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4042
File path of a raster dataset with optional specification of a zero-based band index or band name (de...
Definition: RasterBand.hpp:11
def __init__(self, clearAfterFinish=False, updatePrecision=0)
Definition: pyDM.py:3957
def clone(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:485
def hasInfo(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1753
def columns(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1535
def hasMinPtCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3802
Definition: pyDM.py:1957
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2401
def objectsInLeafStddev(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:365
def get_overview_file(self, filename, uptodate_check=False)
Definition: preCutting.py:333
def isIntegral(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2679
def __init__(self, filename, openIfExists=True, readOnly=False, threadSafety=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:602
Definition: qltDSM.py:75
def intersect(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:4388
def getCRS(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4691
def restoreAddInfoFullLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2280
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:136
def compare(obj, translator, leaf, classMatrix, mapCol, map, helper, invert, filter=None)
integral comparison of a specific attribute columns with a given numpy array
Definition: pyDM.py:4261
def getPolygonMerging(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4830
string regionAttrOnODM
Definition: qltAccuracyRegion.py:62
def radius(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3052
def indexDim(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:756
def importAttribute(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:5048
Definition: preCutting.py:372
def setPolygonMerging(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:4880
Definition: preCutting.py:67
def expand(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1812
def setAddInfo(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:2287
def outputStatistics(self)
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:166
def yrange(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3266
def setNull(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:1622
def layout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1584
Definition: pyDM.py:3770
def getAsDoubleByView(self, arg1, arg2, arg3)
Definition: pyDM.py:1746
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:118
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3788
def create(filename, threadSafety=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:627
def yrange(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:1878
Base class of all query objects.
Definition: pyDM.py:2955
def getHeaderODM(filename)
get the full header information of an odm, without actually openning the odm (much faster)
Definition: pyDM.py:710
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:127
Definition: qltDensity.py:46
Definition: qltLSM.py:62
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:99
base class for importing original geometry data file
Definition: pyDM.py:4769
def isolatedPointDetection(self)
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:47
def decimales(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5200
def read(file)
Read shape table definition from file.
Definition: pyDM.py:5217
Definition: pyDM.py:1907
def parts(self)
iterate over all parts
Definition: pyDM.py:2460
def getColumnSemantic(name, caseSensitive=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:1400
def points(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:991
Definition: qltPrecision.py:135
Definition: preDataCheck.py:187
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:129
def getPointAddInfoStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2237
interface for describung attributs of geometry objects
Definition: pyDM.py:4600
def empty(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:241
def getPointIndex(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:742
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:119
def exist(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:4211
def getPrecision(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4754
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:126
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:110
def sizeFace(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2631
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4202
Definition: processor.py:206
def indexDim(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1204
Geometry object describing a 3d box.
Definition: pyDM.py:1835
Definition: pyDM.py:3638
Definition: pyDM.py:293
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2489
def isConstant(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2875
Definition: QgisInstallationFinder.py:4
Definition: qltDSM.py:86
Definition: preDataCheck.py:59
def eraseLayout(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:2070
def dimension(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3161
def getArea(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2543
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:117
Definition: qltAccuracyRegion.py:246
def sizePolygonPoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:569
Definition: qltPrecision.py:132
def setAddInfoView(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:2624
def dimension(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3094
def __init__(self, **kwargs)
Instantiates an ipyparallel client object.
Definition: processor.py:468
def id(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4092
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:390
Definition: preDataCheck.py:176
def faces(self)
iterate over all faces
Definition: pyDM.py:2529
Definition: preDataCheck.py:155
def getPolyline(self, clear=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:2388
def zlim_check(self)
Definition: preDataCheck.py:112
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4147
def calculateEllipse(self, normal, beam)
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:276
def restoreAddInfoFullLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2140
Definition: preAttribute.py:82
def getLength3D(self)
returns the 3D polyline length of all parts
Definition: pyDM.py:2230
Definition: qltPrecision.py:109
def fill(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:4290
def getIndexHelperSet(self, clear=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:4162
def objectsInLeafMax(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:344
Definition: pyDM.py:1696
def points(self)
iterate over all points
Definition: pyDM.py:2468
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:122
def create(file, format=DataFormat.auto, filter=None, control=None, collectHdrContents=False, invalidHeight=1.7976931348623157e+308)
creates new export object
Definition: pyDM.py:5088
Definition: qltDensity.py:63
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:130
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1024
def restoreAddInfoFullLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1766
def clear(self, logger=None)
Clears the processor, i.e.
Definition: processor.py:363
Definition: pyDM.py:1694
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:141
def values(self)
iterate over all values
Definition: pyDM.py:2729
Process opals jobs using multiple processes.
Definition: processor.py:391
def setColumnSeparators(self, arg1)
set seperator character (ascii only)
Definition: pyDM.py:4954
def isView(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1577
def estimatedId(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4182
Definition: qltLSM.py:66
def addPart(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2336
Definition: pyDM.py:299
def info(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2580
def isPointBased(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3584
def n(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3471
def semantic(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1444
def searchPoint(DM, win, layout, withCoordinates=True, noDataObj=None, valueType=ColumnType(-1), filter=None)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:4327
def isValue(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2896
Definition: qltDSM.py:68
def setCommentInitiator(self, arg1)
set comment initiator (ascii only)
Definition: pyDM.py:4960
Definition: preDataCheck.py:54
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:132
def clear(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2423
def zrange(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3334
def columns(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:5192
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:100
def getAddInfo(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2077
def symmetric_difference(polygon1, polygon2)
symmetric difference of two polygons ((polygon1 \ polygon2) 'or' (polygon2 \ polygon1))
Definition: pyDM.py:4414
def points(self)
iterate over all points
Definition: pyDM.py:2274
Definition: qltAccuracyPoint.py:91
Definition: qltPrecision.py:292
Definition: preDataCheck.py:240
def getMaxCellSize(self, tiff)
Definition: preDataCheck.py:91
def sizeLeaf(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:372
def __init__(self, r, z)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3153
Definition: preCutting.py:374
def getAddInfo(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2536
def deletePolyline(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:648
def submit(self, module=None, finishedText=None, userData=None)
Submits modules to the processor which are then run.
Definition: processor.py:243
Definition: pyDM.py:1954
def getAsDoubleByView(self, arg1, arg2, arg3)
Definition: pyDM.py:2093
def getPointAddInfoStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2566
Definition: qltDensity.py:56
def operatorType(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3754
def getFilename(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:5109
Definition: pyDM.py:304
def join(polygon1, polygon2)
join of two polygons (polygon1 'or' polygon2)
Definition: pyDM.py:4407
def sizePolylinePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:583
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1473
def points(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:787
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:396
def join(self, raiseExceptions=True)
Waits for all incomplete runs to be finished.
Definition: processor.py:256
def getIndexMapSet(self, clear=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:4072
def get(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1549
def difference(polygon1, polygon2)
difference of two polygons (polygon1 \ polygon2)
Definition: pyDM.py:4372
def setChanged(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1255
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:401
def size(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4021
def eraseLayout(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1729
def xrange(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:1820
def overviewExists(self)
Definition: preDataCheck.py:140
def create(rowCount, layout, withCoordinates=True, noDataObj=None, valueType=ColumnType(-1))
Creates a python dictionary mapping columns labels (x,y,z or attribute name) to correctly sized colum...
Definition: pyDM.py:4275
def getName(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4627
def type(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3252
Definition: qltAccuracyPoint.py:73
thrown if the provided file cannot be opened as an ODM
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:256
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1262
Definition: pyDM.py:1855
def clone(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1703
Definition: qltPrecision.py:142
def __init__(self)
Instantiates the distributed base Object.
Definition: processor.py:204
def getBoundingWindow(geo)
Get the 2D bounding window of a geometry object.
Definition: pyDM.py:4485
def sizePolylinePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1136
def sizePolyline(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:576
def check_pickle(self, histo, datfile, masked=None)
Definition: qltPrecision.py:67
def queryType(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3865
def setFilter(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5158
Definition: preAttribute.py:88
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:41
def currentStepPercentage(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3979
def mode(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3375
Definition: preDataCheck.py:175
setting of non-init parameters
Definition: preDataCheck.py:154
def dimension(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3521
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:144
def getHistogramSet(self, layout, maxDistinctValues=1000, filter=None)
get histograms of all attributes described by the layout
Definition: pyDM.py:721
def zrange(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:1886
def points(self)
iterate over all points
Definition: pyDM.py:2134
def isDegenerated(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2452
def right(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3761
Definition: pyDM.py:1804
def featureReference(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3535
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:120
def getFilename(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4802
def isString(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2693
def closePart(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2380
def removePoint(self, arg1)
remove points at the given index
Definition: pyDM.py:2013
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:127
Definition: qltPrecision.py:138
def getProperty(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:4642
def __init__(self, x, y, z)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3287
def __init__(self, x, y)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3220
Definition: pyDM.py:402
def p(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3478
def getDescription(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4606
def setControlObject(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:4866
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4112
def objectsInLeafMin(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:358
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:134
def hasCellsize(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3542
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:133
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:555
def setFilter(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:4873
def setAddInfoView(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:2155
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2853
def maxSearchDistance(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3830
def leafs(self)
iterate over all index leafs
Definition: pyDM.py:974
def clear(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1171
Definition: preDataCheck.py:157
def getCRSType(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4698
Definition: preTiling.py:306
a set of 3d point object
Definition: pyDM.py:1965
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4422
Definition: pyDM.py:4593
Definition: preCutting.py:373
def searchPoint(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1010
def histograms(self)
iterate over all histograms
Definition: pyDM.py:2743
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:139
Definition: qltDSM.py:62
def counter(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4085
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1801
def setDecimalSeparator(self, arg1)
set decimal seperator (ascii only)
Definition: pyDM.py:4966
a general parameter error (usually comes from boost::program_options)
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:206
def parts(self)
iterate over all parts
Definition: pyDM.py:2266
Definition: qltPrecision.py:106
def getAddInfo(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2208
def getLeaf(self, arg1)
get leaf by its id
Definition: pyDM.py:951
def getPolylineIndexStatistics(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:541
def addPoint(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1159
Definition: pyDM.py:316
Definition: qltPrecision.py:133
def setControlObject(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5151
def sizePolyline(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:886
Definition: qltDensity.py:42
Definition: qltDensity.py:44
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:102
Definition: pyDM.py:1695
Object for storing a cross classification matrix.
Definition: pyDM.py:4196
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:402
def maxSearchDistance3D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3045
def sizePoint(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2645
def thinOut(line, maxOrthoDist)
Use the Douglas-Peucker algorithm to create a polyline with a subset of vertices of the provided line...
Definition: pyDM.py:4492
Definition: preCutting.py:249
Definition: qltDSM.py:74
def sizePolygon(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:562
def hasFeature(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3549
def type(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3060
Base class for distributed processing.
Definition: processor.py:197
def zrange(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3200
def addPoint(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2352
def isDistanceBased(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3664
def name(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1592
def getPolygonPointCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4747
Base class of all geometry objects.
Definition: pyDM.py:1651
def resizePoint(self, arg1)
resize memory for points
Definition: pyDM.py:2025
Definition: qltPrecision.py:134
def sampling(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3872
Control object are used to get status information of extensive processing step and/or to interrupt th...
Definition: pyDM.py:3949
Definition: preMergeChannelsPointclouds.py:132
2d window object
Definition: pyDM.py:1788
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:117
Definition: preDataCheck.py:51
def close(self)
Closes the ipp client.
Definition: processor.py:497
def isIntersecting(polygon, raster, geotrafo, nodata)
test if polygon and raster intersect
Definition: pyDM.py:4400
Definition: qltPrecision.py:107
Definition: qltAccuracyPoint.py:76
def isReal(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2686
def isClosed(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2258
def getLayout(self, clear=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:1504
def setSkipUnmatchTypesFlag(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:5288
Definition: qltPrecision.py:143
A dynamic character string whose interface conforms to STL's std::string.
Definition: String.hpp:35
def sizeLeaf(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1017
Definition: processor.py:205
def increaseCurrentStep(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3986
def isEmpty(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2587
def hasInvalidValue(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4663
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:111
def index(self, arg1)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1562
def minPtCount(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3851
Definition: processor.py:38
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:403
Definition: preDataCheck.py:188
thrown a specified attribute doesn't exists in the corresponding odm.
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:300
def type(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2316
Definition: pyDM.py:3384
def setAddInfo(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1773
def isRange(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2889
def getLimit(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:527
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4591
def __init__(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:81
Definition: qltDensity.py:54
def hasLayout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3563
def getOffset(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4634
def ids(self)
iterate over all class ids
Definition: pyDM.py:4228
Definition: preDataCheck.py:158
Definition: pyDM.py:1853
Definition: pyDM.py:1803
def deletePoint(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:634
Definition: preDataCheck.py:52
Definition: qltDSM.py:56
Definition: qltStripDiff.py:173
Definition: preAttribute.py:94
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:3436
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:1929
def dimension(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2961
def isChanged(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1211
def id(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1197
Definition: qltLSM.py:67
def storeRest(self, arg1)
ascii only: if present, store the rest of each line following the specified coordinates/attributes as...
Definition: pyDM.py:5002
def set(self, arg1, arg2)
Definition: pyDM.py:1614
def addPoint(self, p, cloneAddInfo=True, fileId=-1, layerId=-1)
Definition: pyDM.py:608
def threadSafe(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:907
def cloneAddInfoView(self, arg1, arg2)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2063
def leafChanged(self, arg1)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2778
def getPolygon(self, ori=Orientation.undefined, clear=True)
Definition: pyDM.py:2439
def create(file, format=DataFormat.auto, filter=None, control=None, collectHdrContents=False, maxBulkPoints=1000, defaultLayout=None)
creates new import object
Definition: pyDM.py:4781
def cloneFullLayout(self)
creates a new addinfo object using the true storage layout that referring to the same storage object
Definition: pyDM.py:1522
Definition: preCutting.py:368
def clone(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:431
def clear(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1496
def build(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1165
thrown if the provided file cannot be accessed for reading.
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:244
def layout(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3598
thrown if the provided file cannot be accessed for writing.
Definition: c++_api/inc/opals/Exception.hpp:250
Definition: qltDSM.py:63
def type(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:1671
def addCoordZ(self, externalType=ColumnType(12), converterStr=None)
Definition: pyDM.py:4935
def featureType(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3450
Definition: preDataCheck.py:198
Definition: pyDM.py:1850
def maxSearchDistance2D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3110
def sizePart(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:2302
def validpixels_check(self)
Definition: preDataCheck.py:123
def size(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:4134
Definition: qltAccuracyRegion.py:226
Definition: preCutting.py:880
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:113
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:112
def depth(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:330
def getFileFormat(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:5102
def close(self)
Closes the processor pool.
Definition: processor.py:428
def query(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3858
def geometryType(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3303
def semantic(self, arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:1606
def maxSearchDistance3D(arg1)
Definition: pyDM.py:3244
def tileFilter(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2806
def increase(self, arg1, arg2, arg3)
Definition: pyDM.py:4237
Definition: pyDM.py:400
def columns(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:226
def _start(self, modData)
Start of asynchronous module run.
Definition: processor.py:230
def writeInlierFiles(self)
Definition: preOutlierDetection.py:149
def feature(self)
Definition: pyDM.py:3528
def leafChanged(self, leaf)
callback notifies about a changed leaf
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:142
def points(self, *args, **kwargs)
possible calls:
Definition: pyDM.py:2007
Definition: preCalcFootprint.py:392