Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NDMThe namespace containing the public interface of the OPALS Datamanager Library
 NopalsContains the public interface of OPALS
 NpythonThis is the fake namespace of all opals Python scripts
 CNG_exceptionException wrapper
 CopalsAddInfoOpalsAddInfo is the executable file of Module AddInfo
 CopalsAlgebraOpalsAlgebra is the executable file of Module Algebra
 CopalsBoundsOpalsBounds is the executable file of Module Bounds
 CopalsCellOpalsCell is the executable file of Module Cell
 CopalsContouringOpalsContouring is the executable file of Module Contouring
 CopalsConvolutionOpalsConvolution is the executable file of Module Convolution
 CopalsDBHOpalsDBH is the executable file of Module DBH
 CopalsDiffOpalsDiff is the executable file of Module Diff
 CopalsDirectGeorefOpalsDirectGeoref is the executable file of Module DirectGeoref
 CopalsDSMOpalsDSM is the executable file of Module DSM
 CopalsDTMOpalsDTM is the executable file of Module DTM
 CopalsEchoRatioOpalsEchoRatio is the executable file of Module EchoRatio
 CopalsEdgeDetectOpalsEdgeDetect is the executable file of Module EdgeDetect
 CopalsExportOpalsExport is the executable file of Module Export
 CopalsFillGapsOpalsFillGaps is the executable file of Module FillGaps
 CopalsFullwaveOpalsFullwave is the executable file of Module Fullwave
 CopalsGeorefApproxOpalsGeorefApprox is the executable file of Module GeorefApprox
 CopalsGridOpalsGrid is the executable file of Module Grid
 CopalsGridFeatureOpalsGridFeature is the executable file of Module GridFeature
 CopalsHistoOpalsHisto is the executable file of Module Histo
 CopalsICPOpalsICP is the executable file of Module ICP
 CopalsImportOpalsImport is the executable file of Module Import
 CopalsInfoOpalsInfo is the executable file of Module Info
 CopalsIsolinesOpalsIsolines is the executable file of Module Isolines
 CopalsLineModelerOpalsLineModeler is the executable file of Module LineModeler
 CopalsLineTopologyOpalsLineTopology is the executable file of Module LineTopology
 CopalsLSMOpalsLSM is the executable file of Module LSM
 CopalsMorphOpalsMorph is the executable file of Module Morph
 CopalsNormalsOpalsNormals is the executable file of Module Normals
 CopalsOpennessOpalsOpenness is the executable file of Module Openness
 CopalsOverlapOpalsOverlap is the executable file of Module Overlap
 CopalsPointStatsOpalsPointStats is the executable file of Module PointStats
 CopalsQueryOpalsQuery is the executable file of Module Query
 CopalsRadioCalOpalsRadioCal is the executable file of Module RadioCal
 CopalsRasterizeOpalsRasterize is the executable file of Module Rasterize
 CopalsRobFilterOpalsRobFilter is the executable file of Module RobFilter
 CopalsSectionOpalsSection is the executable file of Module Section
 CopalsSegmentationOpalsSegmentation is the executable file of Module Segmentation
 CopalsShadeOpalsShade is the executable file of Module Shade
 CopalsSimplifyOpalsSimplify is the executable file of Module Simplify
 CopalsSnelliusOpalsSnellius is the executable file of Module Snellius
 CopalsStatFilterOpalsStatFilter is the executable file of Module StatFilter
 CopalsStripAdjustOpalsStripAdjust is the executable file of Module StripAdjust
 CopalsTerrainFilterOpalsTerrainFilter is the executable file of Module TerrainFilter
 CopalsTerrainMaskOpalsTerrainMask is the executable file of Module TerrainMask
 CopalsTINOpalsTIN is the executable file of Module TIN
 CopalsTranslateOpalsTranslate is the executable file of Module Translate
 CopalsVectorizeOpalsVectorize is the executable file of Module Vectorize
 CopalsViewOpalsView is the executable file of Module View
 CopalsZColorOpalsZColor is the executable file of Module ZColor
 CopalsZonalFitOpalsZonalFit is the executable file of Module ZonalFit