DM Namespace Reference

The namespace containing the public interface of the OPALS Datamanager Library. More...


 provides a set of converter function between DM and generic memory manager structures
 provides a set of geometric algorithms (Douglas-Peucker algorithm, densification of lines)
 provides a set of geometric operations for geometry objects (e.g. intersection, join, differences, etc. )
 provides a set of geometric relations function for geometry objects


class  Any
class  Array
 a template class holding a C-array of constant size. More...
class  Array< T, 0 >
class  BackInsertIteratorPH
class  BackInsertIteratorSTL
class  BadAnyCast
class  ConstIterator
struct  Default_allocator
 Allocator template class using new/delete. More...
class  Exception
 Any Exception thrown by the DM will be derived from this class. More...
class  ExceptionDemoLimit
 This exception is thrown if the data manager tries to import (or opens existing ODMs) that exceeds the demo limit (also see setLicenceFile) More...
class  ExceptionDropElement
 This exception is thrown if the data manager can load the requested index leaf into memory, since all loaded index leafs are currently in use. More...
class  FilterHelper
class  FrontInsertIteratorPH
class  FrontInsertIteratorSTL
class  Handle
 Smart pointer class using reference counting with support for DM objects (see ObjectBase) More...
class  IAddInfo
 AddInfo objects store a set of attributes. More...
class  IAddInfoContainer
 Interface of an add info container object (used by geometry objects) More...
class  IAddInfoLayout
 AddInfo layouts describe a set of attributes that can be attached to geometry objects. More...
class  IAddInfoLayoutFactory
 Interface to a factory object for creating AddInfo layouts. More...
class  IAddInfoStatistics
 stores a statistics about a set of addinfo objects. More...
class  IAnalyseDistance
 interface for analysing distances between polyline objects (see GeometricAlgorithms::analyseDistance) More...
class  IBox
 Geometry object describing a 3d box. More...
class  ICalculator
 Generic calculator for evaluating formulas or manipulating objects based on the OPALS generic filter syntax. More...
class  ICircle
 Geometry object describing a 2d circle. More...
class  IClassificationElement
 Element of a cross classification matrix. More...
class  IClassificationMatrix
 Object for storing a cross classification matrix. More...
class  IColBufferManagerRead
 managing interface for creating and filling point coordinates and attributes into a column based continuous memory buffer More...
class  IColBufferManagerWrite
 managing interface for creating and filling point coordinates and attributes into a column based continuous memory buffer More...
class  IColumn
class  IControlObject
 Control object are used to get status information of extensive processing step and/or to interrupt those processing steps. More...
class  ICUObject
class  ICUStrategy
 kernel for handling point object More...
class  ICylinder
 Geometry object describing a finite 3d cylinder. More...
class  IDatamanager
 Interface to an Datamanager (ODM) object. More...
class  IDatamanagerHeader
 Interface to an datamanager header (ODM) object. More...
class  IExport
 base class for exporting original geometry data file More...
class  IExportAny
class  IExportLAS
class  IExportRDB
class  IExportShape
 Specific import class for handling shape file imports. More...
class  IFile
 Imported files are preserved and represented by such objects within an ODM (see IDatamanager::beginFiles) More...
class  IFileHeader
class  IFilter
class  IFilterRegion
class  IFilterStats
 accumulate statistical information about the results of filtering More...
class  IGeometry
 Base class of all geometry objects. More...
class  IHistogram
 Class for representing a histogram. More...
class  IHistogramSet
 Interface to a set of histograms. More...
class  IImport
 base class for importing original geometry data file More...
class  IImportAny
 generic import for pretty much any ascii or binary original geometry data file More...
class  IImportGDAL
class  IImportLAS
class  IImportODM
class  IImportRDB
 Specific import class for handling shape file imports. More...
class  IImportShape
 Specific import class for handling shape file imports. More...
class  IImportWithTRJ
class  IIndexHelper
 Helper class for traversing a IndexMap object in multiple stages. More...
class  IIndexHelperSet
 Helper class for traversing a IndexMapSet object in multiple stages. More...
class  IIndexHelperSetFactory
class  IIndexMap
 Interface to a set of histograms. More...
class  IIndexMapSet
 Interface to a set of index map objects. More...
class  IIndexMapSetFactory
 Interface to a set of index map objects. More...
class  IIndexStats
 Object representing statistical information an spatial index. More...
class  IInsertIteratorFilter
class  IKernelBase
 The kernel processor concept is used for manipulating geometry objects within an ODM in an efficient and easy manner. More...
class  IKernelGeometry
class  IKernelGrid
 kernel for handling point object More...
class  IKernelPoint
 kernel for handling point object More...
class  IKernelPointEx
 kernel for handling point object More...
class  IKernelPolyline
 kernel for handling polyline object More...
class  IKnnQueryDescriptor
class  ILinearDistance2D
 Computes an average linear distance of a given point set in 2d. More...
class  ILinearDistance3D
 Computes an average linear distance of a given point set in 3d. More...
class  IMessageOutput
class  IMultiDatamanagerOpener
 For opening multiple datamanagers as single ODM object. More...
class  InsertIterator
class  InsertIteratorFilter
class  InsertIteratorPoint
class  InsertIteratorPointADJ
class  InsertIteratorProxy
class  IOverview
class  IParameterSet
 Object can store a set of named parameter of different type. More...
class  IPoint
 3d point object More...
class  IPointIndex
 Interface to a point index object managing the point objects within the datamanager. More...
class  IPointIndexLeaf
 object representing a spatial leaf within a point index More...
class  IPointKernelExBase
class  IPointKernelExWrapper
class  IPointSet
 a set of 3d point object More...
class  IPolygon
 interface to a 2.5d polygon of arbitrary complexity More...
class  IPolygonFactory
 factory interface for creating polygon objects More...
class  IPolyline
class  IPolylineFactory
 factory interface for creating polyline objects More...
class  IPolylineIndex
 Interface to an polyline and polygon index object managing all non point objects within the datamanager. More...
class  IProcessor
class  IProcessor2
class  IProcessorEx
 Extended processor/kernel concept. More...
class  IProcessStats
 Statistic interface to object that can be retrieved after a IProcessorEx run. More...
class  IQueryBase
 Base class of all query objects. More...
class  IQueryBox
 Base class of all geometry objects. More...
class  IQueryCircle
 Base class of all geometry objects. More...
class  IQueryCombined
 combined spatial queries More...
class  IQueryCylinder
 Base class of all geometry objects. More...
class  IQueryDescriptor
class  IQueryGeometry
 Base class of all query geometry objects. More...
class  IQueryIncremental
 Incremental spatial query. More...
class  IQueryKnn
 Base class of all query objects. More...
class  IQuerySort
 For defining post spatial query sorting. More...
class  IQuerySphere
 Base class of all geometry objects. More...
class  IQueryWindow
 Base class of all geometry objects. More...
class  IRaster
class  ISamplingMatrix
 base interface for all sampling matrices classes More...
class  ISamplingMatrixMultiple
 base interface for multi point extracting sampling matrices classes More...
class  ISamplingMatrixSingle
 base interface for single point extracting sampling matrices classes More...
class  ISamplingStrategy
 Base class of all geometry objects. More...
class  IShapeTableDefinition
 Object storing a dbf table definition (for shape files) More...
class  ISpatialIndexFactory
class  ISpatialQueryDescriptor
class  ISphere
 3d sphere object More...
class  ITableLayout
class  ITableLayoutCreator
class  ITableRow
class  Iterator
class  IText
 Simple text object. More...
class  ITrafo
 Interface for generic geometry object coordinate transformation. More...
class  IValueTranslator
 helper class for translating/mapping attributes before inserting into the ODM More...
class  IWindow
 2d window object More...
class  ObjectBase
class  ObjectBaseRefCounting
struct  PointAccessTraits2dADJ
struct  PointAccessTraits3dADJ
class  ProcessingInterrupted
 This exception is thrown if the processing was interrupted (usually by the user) More...
struct  RangeType
 range class for query geometry objects More...
class  StatFeature
class  StaticHandle


typedef char char_type
typedef std::size_t size_type
typedef std::ptrdiff_t ptrdiff_type
typedef Handle< IAddInfoAddInfoHandle
typedef StaticHandle< IAddInfoLayoutAddInfoLayoutHandle
typedef Handle< IAddInfoLayoutFactoryAddInfoLayoutFactoryHandle
typedef Handle< IAddInfoStatisticsAddInfoStatisticsHandle
typedef Handle< IBoxBoxHandle
typedef Handle< ICalculatorCalculatorHandle
typedef Handle< ICircleCircleHandle
typedef Handle< IClassificationElementClassificationElementHandle
typedef Handle< IClassificationMatrixClassificationMatrixHandle
typedef Handle< IColumnColumnHandle
typedef Handle< IControlObjectControlObjectHandle
typedef Handle< ICUObjectCUObjectHandle
typedef Handle< ICylinderCylinderHandle
typedef Handle< IDatamanagerDatamanagerHandle
typedef Handle< IDatamanagerHeaderDatamanagerHeaderHandle
typedef Handle< IFileFileHandle
typedef Handle< IFilterFilterHandle
typedef Handle< IFilterRegionFilterRegionHandle
typedef Handle< IFilterStatsFilterStatsHandle
typedef Handle< IGeometryGeometryHandle
typedef Handle< IHistogramHistogramHandle
typedef Handle< IHistogramSetHistogramSetHandle
typedef Handle< IIndexHelperIndexHelperHandle
typedef Handle< IIndexHelperSetIndexHelperSetHandle
typedef Handle< IIndexHelperSetFactoryIndexHelperSetFactoryHandle
typedef Handle< IIndexMapIndexMapHandle
typedef Handle< IIndexMapSetIndexMapSetHandle
typedef Handle< IIndexMapSetFactoryIndexMapSetFactoryHandle
typedef Handle< IIndexStatsIndexStatsHandle
typedef Handle< IKnnQueryDescriptorKnnQueryDescriptorHandle
typedef Handle< ILinearDistance2DLinearDistance2DHandle
typedef Handle< ILinearDistance3DLinearDistance3DHandle
typedef Handle< IMessageOutputMessageOutputHandle
typedef Handle< IMultiDatamanagerOpenerMultiDatamanagerOpenerHandle
typedef Handle< IOverviewOverviewHandle
typedef Handle< IParameterSetParameterSetHandle
typedef Handle< IPointPointHandle
typedef Handle< IPointIndexPointIndexHandle
typedef Handle< IPointIndexLeafPointIndexLeafHandle
typedef Handle< IPointKernelExBaseIPointKernelExBaseHandle
typedef Handle< IPointSetPointSetHandle
typedef Handle< IPolygonPolygonHandle
typedef Handle< IPolygonFactoryPolygonFactoryHandle
typedef Handle< IPolylinePolylineHandle
typedef Handle< IPolylineFactoryPolylineFactoryHandle
typedef Handle< IPolylineIndexPolylineIndexHandle
typedef Handle< IProcessor2Processor2Handle
typedef Handle< IQueryBaseQueryBaseHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryBoxQueryBoxHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryCircleQueryCircleHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryCombinedQueryCombinedHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryCylinderQueryCylinderHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryDescriptorQueryDescriptorHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryGeometryQueryGeometryHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryIncrementalQueryIncrementalHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryKnnQueryKnnHandle
typedef Handle< IQuerySortQuerySortHandle
typedef Handle< IQuerySphereQuerySphereHandle
typedef Handle< IQueryWindowQueryWindowHandle
typedef IRaster< double > IRasterDouble
typedef IRaster< unsigned > IRasterUnsigned
typedef Handle< IRasterDoubleDoubleRasterHandle
typedef Handle< IRasterUnsignedUnsignedRasterHandle
typedef Handle< ISamplingStrategySamplingStrategyHandle
typedef Handle< ISpatialIndexFactorySpatialIndexFactoryHandle
typedef Handle< ISpatialQueryDescriptorSpatialQueryDescriptorHandle
typedef Handle< ISphereSphereHandle
typedef Handle< ITableLayoutTableLayoutHandle
typedef Handle< ITableLayoutCreatorTableLayoutCreatorHandle
typedef Handle< ITextTextHandle
typedef Handle< IWindowWindowHandle
typedef std::function< void(LogSeverity, const char *)> LogFn
typedef ADJ_defaultPointMath2D< PointAccessTraits2dADJPointTraits2dADJ
typedef ADJ_defaultPointMath3D< PointAccessTraits3dADJPointTraits3dADJ
typedef Handle< IExportExportHandle
typedef Handle< IExportAnyExportAnyHandle
typedef Handle< IExportLASExportLASHandle
typedef Handle< IExportRDBExportRDBHandle
typedef Handle< IExportShapeExportShapeHandle
typedef Handle< IFileHeaderFileHeaderHandle
typedef Handle< IImportImportHandle
typedef Handle< IImportAnyImportAnyHandle
typedef Handle< IImportGDALImportGDALHandle
typedef Handle< IImportLASImportLASHandle
typedef Handle< IImportODMImportODMHandle
typedef Handle< IImportRDBImportRDBHandle
typedef Handle< IImportShapeImportShapeHandle
typedef Handle< IImportWithTRJImportWithTRJHandle
typedef Handle< IShapeTableDefinitionShapeTableDefinitionHandle
typedef Handle< ICUStrategyCUStrategyHandle
typedef Handle< IKernelBaseKernelBaseHandle
typedef Handle< IKernelGridKernelGridHandle
typedef Handle< IKernelPointKernelPointHandle
typedef Handle< IKernelPolylineKernelPolylineHandle
typedef Handle< IKernelGeometryKernelGeometryHandle
typedef Handle< IKernelPointExKernelPointExHandle
typedef Handle< IProcessorProcessorHandle
typedef Handle< IProcessStatsProcessStatsHandle
typedef Handle< IProcessorExProcessorExHandle
typedef std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > SelectionMatrix
typedef Handle< ISamplingMatrixSamplingMatrixHandle
typedef Handle< ISamplingMatrixSingleSamplingMatrixSingleHandle
typedef Handle< ISamplingMatrixMultipleSamplingMatrixMultipleHandle


enum  BoundaryOption { OriRectangle = 0, ConvexHull = 1, AlphaShape = 2 }
enum  ColumnType {
  none = -1, int32, uint32, int8,
  uint8, int16, uint16, float_,
  float32 = float_, double_, float64 = double_, string,
  int64, cstr, bool_, count
 Supported attribute type. More...
enum  ColumnSemantic {
  null, SigmaX = 20, SigmaY = 21, SigmaZ = 22,
  ScopSemantic = 23, NormalX = 24, NormalY = 25, NormalZ = 26,
  UserData = 31, PointSourceId = 32, GPSTime = 33, LASExtensions = 34,
  MaxCurvature = 35, MinCurvature = 36, MaxCurvatureDirection = 37, Residual = 38,
  NormalLeftX = 39, NormalLeftY = 40, NormalLeftZ = 41, NormalRightX = 42,
  NormalRightY = 43, NormalRightZ = 44, TangentX = 51, TangentY = 52,
  TangentZ = 53, TangentSigmaX = 54, TangentSigmaY = 55, TangentSigmaZ = 56,
  Amplitude = 58, EchoWidth = 59, CrossSection = 60, EchoNumber = 61,
  NrOfEchos = 62, BeamVectorX = 63, BeamVectorY = 64, BeamVectorZ = 65,
  EchoWidthNormalised = 66, SpreadAngle = 71, Id = 72, Estimator = 74,
  RGIndex = 75, ChannelDesc = 76, Attribute = 77, Confidence = 78,
  CustomClassId = 79, RollAngle = 83, PitchAngle = 84, YawAngle = 85,
  FileId = 86, LayerId = 87, WinputCode = 88, StructNr = 89,
  VertexId = 90, CurveParam = 91, EdgeOfFlightLine = 92, ScanDirection = 93,
  SigmaNormalFit = 94, ScanAngle = 95, TiltAngle = 96, Range = 97,
  PointLabel = 98, MarkedFlag = 99, EchoRatio = 111, ConstrainedFlag = 112,
  NormalEstimationMethod = 113, NormalPtsGiven = 114, NormalPtsUsed = 115, NormalSigma0 = 116,
  NormalEigenvalue1 = 117, NormalEigenvalue2 = 118, NormalEigenvalue3 = 119, Red = 122,
  Green = 123, Blue = 124, InfraRed = 125, UltraViolet = 126,
  PointCode = 127, NormalizedZ = 128, FaceId = 129, SegmentID = 130,
  SegmentPtsUsed = 131, ClassificationFlags = 132, Classification = 133, Reflectance = 134,
  CumulativeDistance = 136, NormalPlaneOffset = 137, WaterDepth = 138, X0 = 139,
  Y0 = 140, Z0 = 141, OmegaAngle = 142, PhiAngle = 143,
  KappaAngle = 144, PanAngle = 145, count
 Pre-defined attributes (attributes with semantic) More...
enum  EchoClass {
  unknown = -1, intermediate = 0, last = 1, first = 2,
  single = 3
 echo class types
enum  Orientation { cw = -1, undefined = 0, ccw = 1 }
 orientation enum More...
enum  Licence {
  ok = 0, not_available, not_active_yet, expired,
  embedded_only, file_not_found, file_inaccessible, file_corrupt,
  crypto_error, invalid_version, invalid_update, unknown_error
 Licence error code. More...
enum  GeometryType {
  null, point, polyline, polygon,
  window, box, circle, sphere,
  cylinder, pointSet
enum  IndexType {
  tiling, quadtree, kdtree, rtree,
enum  SelectionMode { nearest = int(false), quadrant = int(true), octant }
enum  MessageLevel {
  undefined, error, warning, info,
  verbose, debug, Count
 Enumerator defining different importance levels of log records. More...
enum  QueryType {
  null, fixed, knn, incremental,
enum  KnnMode { standard, omnidirectional = standard, quadrant, octant }
enum  SortOrder { unsorted, asc2d, asc3d }
enum  QueryOrder { undefined, knnFirst, regionQueryFirst }
 enum for ordering the spatial search strategies More...
enum  IteratorOrder { internal, cached, sorted }
enum  LogSeverity : char {
  error =1, warning, info, verbose,
enum  ScopSemantic {
  null = 0, profile = 1, gridPoint = 2, alignement = 4,
  crossSection = 8, contourline = 16, bulkData = 32, spotHeights = 64,
  formline = 128, breakline = 256, borderline = 512, enclaveline = 1024,
  fautline = 2048, d2Data = 4096, offTerrain = 8192
 the scop semantic describes a kind of topographic semantic More...
enum  SpatialQueryMode { Intersect = 0, Contained = 1 }
enum  DataFormat {
  null = 0, hpgl, zwifi, zwifiak,
  dxf, alk, sicad, phodat,
  hlb, wnp, bwnp, aig,
  xyz, bxyz, xyzslp, ktb,
  nwp, blt, spo, vestra,
  ort, rdh, dsm, agr,
  dted, dted0, dted1, dted2,
  vrml, dgmb, mlt, raw,
  vic, osg, dem, sdts,
  srtm, ehdr, envi, ers,
  gsag, gsbg, eimg, ingr,
  pds, hdf4, hdf5, gdal,
  pyr, jpg, pix, tif,
  tiledtif, lzwtif, tiledlzwtif, stp,
  cmf, cmd, xml, csv,
  atf, las, fwf, sdw,
  sdc, stl, citygrid, shp,
  reb, msh, _2dm, ucd,
  odm, ofd, trj, btrj,
  pof, gptin, rdb, count
 list of known data formats More...
enum  Endianness { big, little, native }
enum  ExportError {
  noDataToWrite = -7, exportStreamNotAccessible, writingHeaderFailure, writingDataFailure,
  exportStreamClosed, exportLimitReaced, interrupted, successful = 1
enum  ExportWinputSeparator { insertSeparatorCode = 0, insertMassPoint, throwExpection }
 behaviour in case two consecutive lines have the same winput code (and structure line number) More...
enum  ShapeGeometry {
  none = 0, point2d = 1, polyline2d = 3, polygon2d = 5,
  pointSet2d = 8, point = 11, polyline = 13, polygon = 15,
  pointSet = 18
enum  CoordRefSys { none, internallyStored, separatePrjFile }
 coordinate reference system type More...
enum  ImportError {
  demoLimitExceeded = -9, unknownFormat, memoryOverflow, importStreamNotAccessible,
  headerContentsErroneous, readingData, importStreamClosed, endOfStreamReached,
  interrupted, successful = 1
enum  PolygonMerging { safe = 0, fast = 1 }
enum  CUStrategyOrder { auto_, horizontal, vertical }


void swap (Any &lhs, Any &rhs) noexcept
template<typename ValueType >
ValueType * any_cast (Any *operand) noexcept
template<typename ValueType >
const ValueType * any_cast (const Any *operand) noexcept
template<typename ValueType >
ValueType any_cast (Any &operand)
template<typename ValueType >
ValueType any_cast (const Any &operand)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
bool operator== (const Array< T, N > &l, const Array< T, N > &r)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
bool operator< (const Array< T, N > &l, const Array< T, N > &r)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
bool operator!= (const Array< T, N > &l, const Array< T, N > &r)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
bool operator> (const Array< T, N > &l, const Array< T, N > &r)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
bool operator<= (const Array< T, N > &l, const Array< T, N > &r)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
bool operator>= (const Array< T, N > &l, const Array< T, N > &r)
template<class T , std::size_t N>
void swap (Array< T, N > &l, Array< T, N > &r)
const DM_API char * getVersion ()
 Get the DM version.
DM_API int compareVersion (const char *versionStr)
DM_API bool compatibleVersion (const char *versionStr)
 Checks if the provided DM version string is compatible to the internal DM version. More...
DM_API void registerLayoutManager (void *dataHandle)
DM_API void registerCostumerData (void *dataHandle)
DM_API bool demoMode (void *instance)
 Demo API functions. More...
DM_API unsigned long long demoModeLimit ()
 Get the maximum number of points that is admissible in demo mode.
DM_API void registerModule (void *instance, CostumerModuleInterface const *data)
 Set costumer affiliation which is stored in the manager file. More...
DM_API bool setLicenceFile (const char *keyfile)
 Set full path of licence file in case it is not located in the corresponding default search path (see details below) More...
DM_API bool setLicenceFile (const char *keyfile, const char *embeddedSoftware)
DM_API Licence getLicenceErrorCode ()
 check the result of the licence test
const DM_API char * getLicenceErrorText ()
DM_API void * allocate_internal (size_t)
DM_API void deallocate_internal (void *)
template<class T , bool TT, class C , class Allocator >
void swap (Handle< T, TT, C, Allocator > &h1, Handle< T, TT, C, Allocator > &h2)
constexpr ICalculator::ReadAccess operator| (const ICalculator::ReadAccess &left, const ICalculator::ReadAccess &right)
constexpr ICalculator::WriteAccess operator| (const ICalculator::WriteAccess &left, const ICalculator::WriteAccess &right)
DM_API FilterHandle operator|| (const IFilter &, const IFilter &)
DM_API FilterHandle operator&& (const IFilter &, const IFilter &)
constexpr IFilter::ReadAccess operator| (const IFilter::ReadAccess &left, const IFilter::ReadAccess &right)
constexpr IFilter::WriteAccess operator| (const IFilter::WriteAccess &left, const IFilter::WriteAccess &right)
template<typename ContainerT >
InsertIteratorPointADJ< ContainerT > pointInserterADJ (ContainerT &cont)
 Creates a point inserter for ADJ_lib objects (any ADJ objects with v_addPoint functions are supported).
template<typename ContainerT >
InsertIteratorPoint< ContainerT > pointInserter (ContainerT &cont)
 Creates a point inserter for DM objects (any object with addPoint functions are supported).
template<class T >
InsertIteratorFilter< T > filterInserter (InsertIterator< T > &insIt, FilterHandle filter)
 creates a insert iterator filter for which the user has to take care of the correct live time of the provided insert iterator object
template<class T >
InsertIteratorFilter< T > filterInserter (InsertIterator< T > *pInsIt, FilterHandle filter)
 creates a insert iterator filter and overtake ownership of the provided insert iterator object (need to have the Delete function being overloaded)
template<typename PH_ContainerT >
BackInsertIteratorPH< PH_ContainerT > PH_inserter (PH_ContainerT &cont)
template<typename PH_ContainerT >
BackInsertIteratorPH< PH_ContainerT > PH_backInserter (PH_ContainerT &cont)
template<typename PH_ContainerT >
FrontInsertIteratorPH< PH_ContainerT > PH_frontInserter (PH_ContainerT &cont)
template<typename ContainerT >
BackInsertIteratorSTL< ContainerT > back_inserter (ContainerT &cont)
template<typename ContainerT >
FrontInsertIteratorSTL< ContainerT > front_inserter (ContainerT &cont)
DM_API bool equal2D (const IPoint &a, const IPoint &b)
DM_API bool equal2D (const IPoint &a, const IPoint &b, double eps)
DM_API bool equal3D (const IPoint &a, const IPoint &b)
DM_API bool equal3D (const IPoint &a, const IPoint &b, double eps)
DM_API double length2D (const IPoint &a, const IPoint &b)
DM_API double length3D (const IPoint &a, const IPoint &b)
DM_API QueryCombinedHandle operator&& (const IQueryGeometry &, const IQueryKnn &)
DM_API QueryCombinedHandle operator&& (const IQueryKnn &, const IQueryGeometry &)
DM_API QueryCombinedHandle operator|| (const IQueryGeometry &, const IQueryKnn &)
DM_API QueryCombinedHandle operator|| (const IQueryKnn &, const IQueryGeometry &)
constexpr IQueryDescriptor::Vocabulary operator| (IQueryDescriptor::Vocabulary left, IQueryDescriptor::Vocabulary right)
DM_API void convert (const DM::IPolyline &dmLine, std::vector< OGRLineString > &ogrLines)
 convert a DM::IPolyline to vector of OGRLineStrings
void DM_API transform (const ITrafo &trafo, IGeometry &geom, bool inv=false)
 provides a generic framework for transforming geometry objects
DM_API DataFormat ext2Format (const char *extension, DataFormat *carray, size_t count)
 convert an extension to a file format More...
const DM_API char * getName (DataFormat type)
 Convert DataFormat as textual representation.
const DM_API char * getDefaultExtension (DataFormat type)
 Get the default extension of the DataFormat (z.b. '.las', '.odm', etc.)
DM_API DataFormat recogniseDataFormat (const char *filename)
 tries to recognise the file format by its content
DM_API DataFormat recogniseDataFormat (const char *filename, int &ascii)
const DM_API char * toString (ExportError error)
 get a textual description of an export error (this function is not thread safe)
const DM_API char * toString (ImportError error)
 get a textual description of an import error (this function is not thread safe)
DM_API AddInfoStatisticsHandle importStatistics (IImport &imp, ControlObjectHandle control=ControlObjectHandle())
 import data and extract/compute an attribute statistics
DM_API AddInfoStatisticsHandle importStatistics (IImport &imp, double &pointDensity, ControlObjectHandle control=ControlObjectHandle())
 import data and extract/compute an attribute statistics including and estimation of the pointDensity (using the overview matrix of the odm)
DM_API std::pair< AddInfoStatisticsHandle, HistogramSetHandleimportStatistics (IImport &imp, const IAddInfoLayout &valueFrequencyLayout, int maxDistinctValues=1000, ControlObjectHandle control=ControlObjectHandle())
 import data and extract/compute an attribute statistics and specified value frequencies
DM_API std::pair< AddInfoStatisticsHandle, HistogramSetHandleimportStatistics (IImport &imp, double &pointDensity, const IAddInfoLayout &valueFrequencyLayout, int maxDistinctValues=1000, ControlObjectHandle control=ControlObjectHandle())
 import data and extract/compute an attribute statistics, specified value frequencies and estimation of the pointDensity (using the overview matrix of the odm)
DM_API void importStatistics (IImport &imp, AddInfoStatisticsHandle &impStat, double &pointDensity, UnsignedRasterHandle &densityOverview, DoubleRasterHandle &zmatrixOverview, double &xLowerLeftCellCenter, double &yLowerLeftCellCenter, double &cellSize, const double &nullValue, ControlObjectHandle control=ControlObjectHandle())
 import data and extract overview rasters
DM_API void importStatistics (IImport &imp, AddInfoStatisticsHandle &impStat, double &pointDensity, UnsignedRasterHandle &densityOverview, DoubleRasterHandle &zmatrixOverview, double &xLowerLeftCellCenter, double &yLowerLeftCellCenter, double &cellSize, const double &nullValue, HistogramSetHandle &histo, const IAddInfoLayout &valueFrequencyLayout, int maxDistinctValues=1000, ControlObjectHandle control=ControlObjectHandle())


class DM_API IPoint
template<class T >
class DM_API InsertIteratorFilter
class DM_API IQueryDescriptor
class DM_API IDatamanager

Detailed Description

The namespace containing the public interface of the OPALS Datamanager Library.

For a general description of the OPALS Datamanager Library and how it should be used please refer to this section.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BoundaryOption

enum BoundaryOption

minimum enclosing (oriented) rectangle


convex hull


alpha shape

◆ ColumnSemantic

enum ColumnSemantic

Pre-defined attributes (attributes with semantic)


undefined semantic


x value of normal (unit) vector


y value of normal (unit) vector


z value of normal (unit) vector


x value of normal vector left to a structure line


y value of normal vector left to a structure line


z value of normal vector left to a structure line


x value of normal vector right to a structure line


y value of normal vector right to a structure line


z value of normal vector right to a structure line


Linear scale value proportional to the receiving power.


Full width at half maximum [ns].


This is the k-th return/echo for a certain pulse, where for the first return: k==1 (see LAS spec.)


The pulse which this point is based on generated this number of returns/echoes (see LAS spec.)


X-component of beam vector (from scanner to point)


Y-component of beam vector (from scanner to point)


Z-component of beam vector (from scanner to point)


[radians] as defined by the aviation norm ARINC 705


[radians] as defined by the aviation norm ARINC 705


[radians] as defined by the aviation norm ARINC 705


[radians] Scan angle as defined by LAS standard: Angle between the nadir vector and the projected beam vector. Therefore, the beam vector is projected into a vertical plane that is orthogonal to the horizontal flight direction. The angle is 0 for nadir, negative to the left side (and positive to the right side) of the aircraft in flight direction.


[radians] Rotation of scanner head around secondary axis of scanner (fixed angle for 1-D scanners)


Normal estimator id (0...simple, 1...robust, 2...FMCD)


Number of points given to the normal estimator.


Number of points used in the normal estimator.


Sigma0 of normal estimation.


Highest eigenvalue of normal estimation covariance matrix.


Second highest eigenvalue of normal estimation covariance matrix.


Third highest eigenvalue of normal estimation covariance matrix.


Red colour channel.


Green colour channel.


Blue colour channel.


Infrared (IR) colour channel.


Ultraviolet (UV) colour channel.


general alphanumeric point code


point height above DTM


triangle faces id


unique segment id


Number of points contributing to a single segment.


See LAS spec.


See LAS spec.


See Riegl POF Format Spec.)


Offset from the current point to the estimated local plane.


Water depth of a submerged (bathymetric lidar) point.


Exterior reference point as defined by ORIENT.


Exterior reference point as defined by ORIENT.


Exterior reference point as defined by ORIENT.


[radians] Rotation angle as defined by ORIENT


[radians] Rotation angle as defined by ORIENT


[radians] Rotation angle as defined by ORIENT


[radians] Rotation of scanner head around primary axis of scanner. In case of a 1-D scanner, this is the varying angle around the only axis of the scanner.


last column element

◆ ColumnType

enum ColumnType

Supported attribute type.


name: "int32". 4 byte, signed integer


name: "uint32". 4 byte, unsigned integer


name: "int8". 1 byte, signed integer


name: "uint8". 1 byte, unsigned integer


name: "int16". 2 byte, integer


name: "uint16". 2 byte, unsigned integer


name: "float". 4 byte, real


name: "double". 8 byte, real


name: "string". c string of arbitrary size


name: "int64". 8 byte, signed integer


name: "cstr". fixed length c string


name: "bool". bit (boolean)


always last element

◆ CoordRefSys

enum CoordRefSys

coordinate reference system type


not definied/unset


crs is stored internally


crs is stored in a separate prj file

◆ DataFormat

enum DataFormat

list of known data formats


scop winput format (ascii)


scop winput format (binary)


GDAL raster file format.


comma separated value format


OPALS format definition (xml file)


trajectory format (ascii)


trajectory format (binary)


Riegl binary Trajectory Format.


generic panorama tin


Riegl rdb format.

◆ ExportError

enum ExportError

no data to write


export stream is not accessible


error while writing the header


error while writing data


export stream already closed


export limit is reached


export was interrupted


no error occurred

◆ ExportWinputSeparator

enum ExportWinputSeparator

behaviour in case two consecutive lines have the same winput code (and structure line number)


correct solution based on winput specification (but doesn't work in gve)


work-a-round for gve by duplicating the line start point as mass point


throw excpetion

◆ GeometryType

enum GeometryType

undefined geometry


point type


polyline type


polygon type


window type (2D)


box type (3D)


circle (2D)


sphere (3D)


cylinder (3D)


3d point set (3D)

◆ ImportError

enum ImportError

demo limit of the DM exceeded


unknown import file format


memory overflow occurred


import stream is not accessible


the file header content is erroneous


general error while reading data


import stream was already closed


end of input stream is reached


import was interrupted


no error occured

◆ IndexType

enum IndexType

flat tiling structure


quad- or octree structure (depending on index dimension)


kd-tree structure


r-tree structure

◆ IteratorOrder

enum IteratorOrder

Traverse elements in internal geometrical order (usually faster)


Traverse chached elements first (if elements are already in memory this is the fastest method)


Traverse elements in sorted order, i.e. insert sequence (usually slower)

◆ Licence

enum Licence

Licence error code.


no error. licence ok


licence not available


licence not activate yet


licence expired


licence valid only for embedded application


licence file doesn't exist


licence file not accessible


licence file corrupt


licence crypto error


licence file version error


licence not valid for this update


unknown error occurred

◆ MessageLevel

enum MessageLevel

Enumerator defining different importance levels of log records.


undefined message type


some failure message. program execution will be aborted.


some weird program state which can still be handled (e.g. 'poor matrix condition', 'poor data distribution')


Some progress that may be interesting in everyday-use.


Something that may help in understanding normal program behaviour.


Anything that may help 'debugging' by means of a release-build.


number of elements

◆ Orientation

enum Orientation

orientation enum




orientation undefined



◆ PolygonMerging

enum PolygonMerging

incremental merge of polygon parts (slow but robust)


build polygon object at once (fast but fails in case of topological incorrect polygon parts)

◆ QueryOrder

enum QueryOrder

enum for ordering the spatial search strategies


initial value or in case only one query is defined


do knn search first and 'filter' knn results with region query


do region query first and 'sort/filter' results based on the defined knn search

◆ QueryType

enum QueryType

undefined query type


fixed region type

◆ ScopSemantic

enum ScopSemantic

the scop semantic describes a kind of topographic semantic


(above all, this is the case for bulk data from old photogrammetric analogous stereo plotters).

bulk point which was gathered through sampling the interpolation surface line by line


point on the interpolation surface which shall not be filtered in the interpolation process


longitudinal section


cross section


line denoting a line of equal height of the interpolation surface


random point on the interpolation surface without a specific semantic


point on the interpolation surface with a horizontal tangent plane


line denoting a line of high curvature of the interpolation surface


line denoting a discontinuity of the first derivative of the interpolation surface (C1-discontinuity)


line denoting a boundary of the interpolation surface; left side is valid/included; doesn't need to be closed


line denoting a boundary of the interpolation surface; left side is valid/included; doesn't need to be closed the distinction between eSEM_BORDERLINE and eSEM_ENCLAVELINE is merely necessary for the passing of line orientations through objects that do not store them (e.g. NG_Triangulation)


wk070618: this semantic up to now is defined for a special application required by INPHO, for Winput Im-/Export eSEM_FAULTLINE shall only be applied to already interpolated RDH:

  • it either denotes areas within which the RDH height is defined by the Delaunay triangulation of the line,
  • or it specifies break lines within such an area i.e. constraints of the triangulation.

a future, more exact definition could look like this: this line denotes a discontinuity of the interpolation surface (C0-discontinuity, jump in height) and holds an orientation;

  • if 3d (~&eSEM_2D_DATA):
    • the line vertex heights define the height of the interpolation surface to the left of the line;
    • if furthermore it is closed, then the vertex heights define the interpolation surface in its interior area through a respective interpolation. The line must be counterclockwise oriented then.
    • the surface height to the right is defined by an according extrapolation of the data to the right
  • if 2d:
    • then the extrapolation of the data to the left defines the surface height to the left of the line
    • the same holds for the right side
  • if data needed for surface height definition is unavailable, the fault line shall be skipped

The following entries may be combined with (some of) the ones above.

geometry object has undetermined z values


geometry object has certain z values, but they do not lie on the interpolation surface

◆ SortOrder

enum SortOrder

results are in unspecified order


results are sorted ascending by 2d distance from query position


results are sorted ascending by 3d distance from query position

◆ SpatialQueryMode

enum SpatialQueryMode

search geometries that intersect the query object


search geometries that are fully contained by the query object

Function Documentation

◆ back_inserter()

BackInsertIteratorSTL<ContainerT> DM::back_inserter ( ContainerT &  cont)

Creates a back inserter for stl containers. As container elements only handles are allowed. e.g. std::vector< DM::PointHandle >

References back_inserter().

Referenced by back_inserter().

◆ compareVersion()

DM_API int DM::compareVersion ( const char *  versionStr)

Compares the provided version against the internal DM version

1 if internal version is greater than the provided version string
0 if internal version is equal than the provided version string
-1 if internal version is less than the provided version string

◆ compatibleVersion()

DM_API bool DM::compatibleVersion ( const char *  versionStr)

Checks if the provided DM version string is compatible to the internal DM version.

The version is compatible if the internal DM version is equal or newer and no major interface changes have been made (lookup in internal compatibility map): no function, interface, etc. removed and no semantic or behavior changes introduced.

◆ demoMode()

DM_API bool DM::demoMode ( void *  instance)

Demo API functions.

the datamanager is NOT in demo mode on startup. The demo mode restricts the number of points to 1 mio points. Points above the limit are ignored during import and manager files with more than 1 mio points cannot be opened. returns the demo flag

◆ ext2Format()

DM_API DataFormat DM::ext2Format ( const char *  extension,
DataFormat carray,
size_t  count 

convert an extension to a file format

[in]extensionfile extension (e.g. ".tif")
[in]carraypointer to the first element of a c-array of dataformat elements
[in]countnumber of elements

◆ front_inserter()

FrontInsertIteratorSTL<ContainerT> DM::front_inserter ( ContainerT &  cont)

Creates a front inserter for stl containers. As container elements only handles are allowed. e.g. std::vector< DM::PointHandle >

References front_inserter().

Referenced by front_inserter().

◆ PH_backInserter()

BackInsertIteratorPH<PH_ContainerT> DM::PH_backInserter ( PH_ContainerT &  cont)

Creates a back inserter for PH containers (supported container: PH_vector, PH_List). As container elements only handles are allowed. e.g. PH_vector< DM::PointHandle >

References PH_backInserter().

Referenced by PH_backInserter().

◆ PH_frontInserter()

FrontInsertIteratorPH<PH_ContainerT> DM::PH_frontInserter ( PH_ContainerT &  cont)

Creates a front inserter for PH containers (supported container: PH_vector, PH_List). As container elements only handles are allowed. e.g. PH_vector< DM::PointHandle >

References PH_frontInserter().

Referenced by PH_frontInserter().

◆ PH_inserter()

BackInsertIteratorPH<PH_ContainerT> DM::PH_inserter ( PH_ContainerT &  cont)

Creates a default inserter (back inserter) for PH containers (supported container: PH_vector, PH_List). As container elements only handles are allowed. e.g. PH_vector< DM::PointHandle >

References PH_inserter().

Referenced by PH_inserter().

◆ registerCostumerData()

DM_API void DM::registerCostumerData ( void *  dataHandle)

If the DLL version of DM library and the NG_lib are used in one project, it is necessary that synchronize the two static costumer maps. otherwise the costumer/demo information is not handled correctly DM::registerCostumerData( &DM::h_CostumerMap() );

◆ registerLayoutManager()

DM_API void DM::registerLayoutManager ( void *  dataHandle)

If the DLL version of DM library and the NG_lib are used in one project, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to synchronize the two (DLL and local NG_lib) NG_AddInfoLayoutManager objects. Execute the following call before using any NG_lib object: DM::registerLayoutManager( &NG_AddInfoLayoutManager::h_data() ); (This function is not instantiated in the static library to secure that the dynamic library function is called)

◆ registerModule()

DM_API void DM::registerModule ( void *  instance,
CostumerModuleInterface const *  data 

Set costumer affiliation which is stored in the manager file.

Register opals module for providing the corresponding costumer information

◆ setLicenceFile()

DM_API bool DM::setLicenceFile ( const char *  keyfile)

Set full path of licence file in case it is not located in the corresponding default search path (see details below)

default search path order <Datamanager-DLL-Path>/opals.key <Datamanager-DLL-Path>/../cfg/opals.key <opals_base-DLL-Path>/opals.key <opals_base-DLL-Path>/../cfg/opals.key

true if licence is valid otherwise false (in this case use getLicenceErrorCode/getLicenceErrorText for details)