Module | Description |
AddInfo | Inserts or updates ODM attributes by combining existing attributes and/or grid models. |
Algebra | Provides a generic raster algebra calculator featuring mathematical, statistical and conditional operators. |
Bounds | Derives and stores the 2D boundary polygon of a region covered by the point data of an ODM or the valid pixels of a raster. |
Cell | Calculates statistical features of user defined attributes and stores them as raster models or rasterized point clouds. |
Contouring | Derives the contour of foreground objects of a raster model and exports the results as a polygon shape file. |
Convolution | Performs convolutional filtering operations on a raster image. |
DBH | Estimate the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) based on 3D point cloud data (ODM). |
DSM | Calculates a land cover dependent DSM raster model based on the approach of Hollaus et. al. (2010). |
DTM | Calculates a high quality Digital Terrain Model in hybrid grid structure (i.e. regular grid + structure lines). |
Diff | Calculates a difference grid model based on either two grids or a one grid and a horizontal reference plane. |
DirectGeoref | Transforms points from scanner coordinates into geo-referenced coordinates by applying the sensor model (flight trajectory, mounting parameters). |
EchoRatio | Derives and stores the echo ratio (ER) attribute for points of an OPALS data manager. |
EdgeDetect | Provides different raster based edge detection algorithms (e.g. Canny). |
Export | Exports vector data stored in an OPALS data manager (ODM) in various data formats. |
FillGaps | Detects gaps (i.e. void pixels) in raster models and provides several interpolation methods to close them. |
Fullwave | Performs decomposition of the full waveform signal and provides 3D coordinates (scanner system) and additional attributes for each return. |
GeorefApprox | Improves the geo-referencing of an ALS flight block based on pairwise affine strip transformations (cf. Module LSM). |
Grid | Derives a 2.5D digital elevation models (DEM) in regular grid structure using simple interpolation techniques. |
GridFeature | Derives feature models (slope, curvature, roughness, etc.) from grid models based on the local grid neighbourhood defined by a kernel. |
Histo | Derives histograms and descriptive statistics (min, max, mean, r.m.s, etc.) for ODM or grid/raster data sets and stores the results graphically (SVG) and numerically (XML). |
ICP | Performs orientation (co-registration) of multiple point cloud datasets using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm. |
Import | Loads vector and raster data into an ODM for subsequent use in modules dealing with point cloud and line related data. |
Info | Extracts and reports information of an ODM, vector or raster file. |
Isolines | Derives contour lines (isolines) from grid models and stores them as a vector dataset. |
LSM | Estimates an affine 3D transformation to align overlapping ALS strip DEMs using Least Squares Matching. |
LineModeler | Models 3D structure lines based on a point cloud (ODM) and 2D line approximations. |
LineTopology | Provides different line merging and topology correction tools for cleaning line networks derived via automatic edge detection. |
Morph | Applies morphological operations (opening, closing, erosion, dilation) on raster datasets. |
Normals | Estimates local surface normal vectors for each point of a specific point cloud (ODM). |
Openness | Provides a raster map of local viewsheds (i.e. openness) based on a DTM grid model. |
Overlap | Analyses a set of strip boundaries and determines all overlapping strip pairs. |
PointStats | Derives and stores statistical parameters describing the local distribution of a point attribute for each point of an ODM. |
Query | Interpolates height or attribute values for arbitrary 2D geometries based on either point clouds (not yet implemented) or grids. |
RadioCal | Performs radiometric calibration of ALS data and calculates physical quantities (backscatter cross section/coefficient, reflectance) for each return. |
Rasterize | Performs vector-to-raster conversion for all types of simple feature geometries (points, lines, polygons). |
RobFilter | Classification points into terrain and off-terrain using robust interpolation. |
Section | Extracts sections of user defined width/length along a specified reference axis from a point cloud (ODM). |
Segmentation | Provides methods for point cloud segmentation based on local homogeneity using either a generic region growing approach or an adapted region growing for plane extraction. |
Shade | Derives shaded relief raster maps (geo-coded hill shading) of DEM grids. |
Simplify | Analyses a regular or hybrid grid model and generates an approximating TIN surface based on a coarse-to-fine approach. |
Snellius | Performs range and refraction corrections of raw laser bathymetry measurements according to Snell's law. |
StatFilter | Performs statistical filtering of raster datasets with a sliding kernel of arbitrary shape and size. |
StripAdjust | Improves the geo-referencing of ALS data and aerial images in a rigorous way combining strip adjustment and aerial triangulation. |
TIN | Creates a TIN surface from ODM vector data based on a 2D constrained Delaunay triangulation. |
TerrainFilter | Classifies a 3D point cloud (ODM) into terrain and off-terrain points. |
TerrainMask | Identifies open terrain parts of a DSM input raster using the volume based approach by Piltz et al. (2016). |
Translate | Performs format conversion for vector data files with additional read support of GDAL rasters. |
Vectorize | Performs raster-to-vector conversion and exports polyline geometries. |
View | Provides an interactive 3d viewer for points (including arbitrary attributes) and lines. |
ZColor | Derives color coded visualizations of grid models and stores them as geo-coded raster images. |
ZonalFit | Fits geometry models to a set of data points for multiple regions-of-interest. |