Generic calculator for evaluating formulas or manipulating objects based on the OPALS generic filter syntax. More...
#include "ICalculator.hpp"
Classes | |
struct | EvaluationErrorCallback |
Abstract functor to derive from. More... | |
Public Types | |
enum | ReadAccess { none, coordinates, attributes = coordinates << 1, vectors = coordinates | attributes, rasters = attributes << 1, neighbors = rasters << 1, full = (neighbors << 1) - 1 } |
Choose the supported input data types. More... | |
enum | WriteAccess { none, coordinates, attributes = coordinates << 1, rasters = attributes << 1, full = (rasters << 1) - 1 } |
Choose which types of data may be assigned to. More... | |
enum | DataTypeSuperset { arithmetic, string, unknown } |
The result type of the calculator. More... | |
enum | RasterDataType { unknown, uint8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, float32, float64 } |
Copy of GDALDataType, but without complex types. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual ICalculator * | clone () const =0 |
Deep-copy. Use for multi-threading! | |
virtual ICalculator * | operator* (double factor) const =0 |
virtual void | geometryChanged (bool *flag=nullptr)=0 |
Get notified if an evaluated geometry has been changed. More... | |
virtual void | init () const =0 |
Initialize internal data. resultDouble calls this implicitly / lazily if some non-const method has been called since the last call to this. More... | |
virtual bool | isConstant () const =0 |
Returns true iff resultDouble surely does not change any arguments and its return value is always the same, independent of its arguments. More... | |
virtual bool | readsRasters () const =0 |
returns true iff the calculator reads an input raster. | |
virtual bool | readsRastersByIndexOrLimitedSlice () const =0 |
returns true iff this reads one or more input raster datasets specified by a single index or by a slice that defines start and/or stop indices. | |
virtual bool | readsNeighbors () const =0 |
returns true iff the calculator reads a neighbor. | |
virtual unsigned | assignmentCount () const =0 |
returns the number of (statements that are) assignments. | |
virtual unsigned | statementCount () const =0 |
returns the number of statements. Empty statements do not count. | |
virtual DataTypeSuperset | typeSuperset () const =0 |
virtual void | print (std::ostream &) const =0 |
virtual const char * | text () const =0 |
Logging of evaluation errors | |
Set a functor to be called upon evaluation errors, e.g. division by zero, conversion failure to target type. | |
virtual void | evaluationErrorCallback (EvaluationErrorCallback *cb=nullptr)=0 |
Make this use your functor instance as callback. Its memory remains managed by you. | |
Input rasters | |
Calculators process zero or more input raster datasets with zero or more bands. Each band has an invalid value, and it may have a name. Named bands may be accessed in the | |
virtual void | inputDatasetCount (unsigned nDatasets)=0 |
Tells the calculator for how many datasets the argument inRaster of resultDouble() will subsequently provide data, if the respective datasets are used (see inputDatasetSubset()). More... | |
virtual void | inputBandCount (unsigned iDataset, unsigned nBands)=0 |
Tells the calculator that the iDataset 'th dataset has nBands instead of 1. More... | |
virtual void | inputBandName (unsigned iDataset, unsigned iBand, char const *bandName)=0 |
Associates a band index with a band name, so the band can be accessed by name in text . | |
virtual void | inputBandNoData (unsigned iDataset, unsigned iBand, double noData)=0 |
Associates the given value as invalid for the given input raster band. Default: NaN. | |
virtual void | inputDatasetSubset (unsigned const *iDatasets=0, unsigned nDatasets=0)=0 |
Temporarily restricts the datasets for which inRaster must provide elements to those specified in iDatasets . More... | |
Output raster | |
| |
virtual unsigned | outputBandCount () const =0 |
Returns the number of elements that outRaster must point to. More... | |
virtual const char * | outputBandName (unsigned iBand) const =0 |
Returns the name of the iBand'th output band if specified in text , or otherwise an empty string. | |
virtual RasterDataType | outputBandType (unsigned iBand) const =0 |
Returns the actual type assumed for the iBand'th output band. If not specified in text , returns the one passed to outputBandTypeDefault, or otherwise RasterDataType::float64. | |
virtual void | outputBandNoData (unsigned iBand, double noData)=0 |
Sets a value to be written to the iBand'th element of outRaster if invalid (aka NO_DATA). Default: std::numeric_limits<output band type>::max(). | |
virtual void | clearOutputBandNoData (unsigned iBand)=0 |
Clears the NO_DATA value for the iBand'th element of outRaster . Evaluation will throw upon encountering an invalid value! | |
virtual bool | hasOutputBandNoData (unsigned iBand) const =0 |
Returns true if a NO_DATA value has been set for the iBand'th element of outRaster . | |
virtual double | outputBandNoData (unsigned iBand) const =0 |
Returns the NO_DATA value for the iBand'th element of outRaster . Throws if none has been set. | |
virtual void | outputBandTypeDefault (RasterDataType)=0 |
Sets the default data type for output bands, to be used if text does not specify one. Default: RasterDataType::float64. | |
virtual void | outputBandStats (unsigned iBand, size_t &nInvalid, size_t &nNoData, size_t &nOverflow) const =0 |
Query the statistics of values assigned so far to the iBand'th output band. More... | |
Attribute assignment statistics | |
Query the statistics of attributes assigned so far. | |
virtual size_t | nAttributeAssignmentStats () const =0 |
Query the number of attribute assignment statistics available. | |
virtual void | attributeAssignmentStats (unsigned iAttribute, char const *&name, size_t &nInvalid, size_t &nOverflow) const =0 |
Query the statistics of values assigned so far to the iAttribute'th attribute. More... | |
Evaluation | |
Evaluate this with the given geometry, input rasters, neighbors, and output rasters. If this has been created without ReadAccess::rasters, then Returns the result of evaluating the last statement. Assignments always return 1. The following operations yield invalid values:
returns x if x is valid (i.e. not DBL_MAX, not NaN), NaN otherwise. 3 * sigmaX returns 3*sigmaX if sigmaX is valid (attribute is part of the layout and not NULL), NaN otherwise. 3 * sigmaX; 5 returns 5. _val = 3 * sigmaX; sigmaY Sets _val and returns sigmaY if sigmaY is valid, otherwise NaN. If init() has been called just before, then resultDouble only throws on input raster dataset / band index out-of-range, e.g.:
| |
virtual double | resultDouble (IGeometry &geom, double const *inRaster=0, IGeometry const *const *neighbors=0, unsigned nNeighbors=0, double *outRaster=0) const =0 |
Evaluate this with a mutable geometry. More... | |
virtual double | resultDouble (IGeometry const &geom, double const *inRaster=0, IGeometry const *const *neighbors=0, unsigned nNeighbors=0, double *outRaster=0) const =0 |
Evaluate this with a constant geometry. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from ObjectBase | |
virtual void | Delete () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | convertOrNaN (double &value, RasterDataType type) |
static ICalculator * | New () |
static ICalculator * | New (const char *text, ReadAccess readAccess, WriteAccess writeAccess) |
Generic calculator for evaluating formulas or manipulating objects based on the OPALS generic filter syntax.
strong |
The result type of the calculator.
If custom attributes are to be queried, the result type is unknown beforehand.
strong |
Copy of GDALDataType, but without complex types.
strong |
Choose the supported input data types.
strong |
Choose which types of data may be assigned to.
pure virtual |
Query the statistics of values assigned so far to the iAttribute'th
the name of this attribute nInvalid
is the number of times that the value to be assigned has been invalid. nOverflow
is the number of times that the value to be assigned has been valid, but outside the domain of this attribute's data type, i.e. too small or too large, or numeric vs. string. nInvalid + nOverflow is the total number of evaluated geometries for which this attribute is now inexistent i.e. the attribute is either not part of the layout, or it is null.
pure virtual |
Get notified if an evaluated geometry has been changed.
After each call of resultDouble, this flag will be true only if this has changed the coordinates and/or attributes of geom
. An attribute is considered as changed if:
remains managed by you.
pure virtual |
Initialize internal data. resultDouble calls this implicitly / lazily if some non-const method has been called since the last call to this.
This does various checks and may throw. Call this explicitly to generate these errors beforehand.
pure virtual |
Tells the calculator that the iDataset
'th dataset has nBands
instead of 1.
Hence, with
CalculatorHandle calc = ICalculator::New(...); calc->inputDatasetCount(3); calc->inputBandCount(0, 2); calc->inputBandCount(2, 4);
resultDouble() will expect inRaster
to point to 7 elements, where
pure virtual |
Tells the calculator for how many datasets the argument inRaster
of resultDouble() will subsequently provide data, if the respective datasets are used (see inputDatasetSubset()).
Datasets by default have a single band. For each dataset, inRaster
expects an element for each band, sorted first by dataset and second by band index, in ascending order. Hence, with
CalculatorHandle calc = ICalculator::New(...); calc->inputDatasetCount(2);
resultDouble() will expect inRaster
to point to 2 elements in total: one for the first dataset, followed by another element for the second dataset (since both datasets are single band).
pure virtual |
Temporarily restricts the datasets for which inRaster
must provide elements to those specified in iDatasets
Input raster indices (r[<idx>]) and index ranges (mean(r[<iBegin> : <iEnd>])) then index into this reduced list of datasets. iDatasets
must point to nDatasets
elements. Input band counts, names, and nodata-values of temporarily de-activated datasets are preserved and will be re-used once a dataset gets re-activated by calling inputDatasetSubset another time. Hence, with
CalculatorHandle calc = ICalculator::New(...); calc->inputDatasetCount(3); calc->inputBandCount(0, 2); calc->inputBandName(0, 0, "red"); calc->inputBandCount(2, 4); std::vector<unsigned> subset = {1, 2}; calc->inputDatasetSubset(, subset.size());
resultDouble() expects inRaster
to point to 5 elements, where
Because the first dataset has been excluded / de-activated, r[0] now refers to the single-band (second) dataset. If later on,
subset = {0, 1}; calc->inputDatasetSubset(, subset.size());
gets executed, resultDouble() expects inRaster
to point to 3 elements, where
Again, the first band of the first dataset is associated with the name "red". Because the first dataset has been activated again, r[0] refers to the two-band (first) dataset.
pure virtual |
Returns true iff resultDouble surely does not change any arguments and its return value is always the same, independent of its arguments.
Returns true for constants and combinations thereof: New("1")->isConstant() == true New("3 * atan2(0.2, pi)")->isConstant() == true New("2 ? 3 : x")->isConstant() == true New("x = 1")->isConstant() == false New("3 || 4")->isConstant() == true New("0 && 4")->isConstant() == true
Note that the following is correct output, because the validity of x is unknown beforehand and hence, resultDouble may return 0 or NaN. New("0 * x")->isConstant() == false
For operator&& and operator||, this returns certain false negatives, e.g.: New("0 && x")->isConstant() == false New("3 || x")->isConstant() == false
static |
Construct a calculator.
text | Text that defines the calculator. |
readAccess | Choose which types of data the calculator may query i.e. read from. If supported, make sure to provide inRaster and/or neighbors in calls to resultDouble()! Throws if text would read from an unsupported type. |
writeAccess | Choose which types of data the calculator may write to i.e. assign to. If supported, make sure to provide outRaster in calls to resultDouble()! Throws if text would assign to an unsupported type. |
pure virtual |
Returns the number of elements that outRaster
must point to.
Hence, returns 0 if this calculator does not write to any output rasters.
pure virtual |
Query the statistics of values assigned so far to the iBand'th
output band.
is the number of times that the value to be assigned has been invalid. nNoData
is the number of times that the value to be assigned has been valid and could be converted to the band's data type, but happened to be equal to the band's NoData value. nOverflow
is the number of times that the value to be assigned has been valid, but outside the domain (i.e. too small or large) of the band's data type or not numeric (i.e. ColumnType::string or ColumnType::cstr).
nInvalid + nNoData + nOverflow is the total number of times that the NoData value has been assigned to outRaster
pure virtual |
Evaluate this with a mutable geometry.
The geometry coordinates and/or attributes may get changed only if this has been created with WriteAccess::coordinates and/or WriteAccess::attributes.
pure virtual |
Evaluate this with a constant geometry.
Throws if this has been created with WriteAccess::coordinates and/or WriteAccess::attributes.