
This document describes the means provided by OPALS to filter vector data. In the context of OPALS, filtering denotes the generation of a new data set based on another data set using element-wise selection criterions and / or transformations.

The OPALS datamanager (ODM) is designed to store arbitrary attributes (see ODM predefined attributes) along with vector data. Hence, OPALS modules use the ODM as the central resource of vector data. Users may want to transform the data geometrically before import, or process only a subset of the data provided by an ODM, e.g. data within a certain region only. Likewise, only a subset of the processed data may need to be exported. This is where filters come into consideration.

Filter types and their combination

For the purpose of filtering, OPALS provides a number of filter types that belong to one of two classes (except for Generic):

  • Selectors accept and hence append data fulfilling a certain geometric or semantic criterion to the output data set, rejecting (absorbing) them otherwise. Selectors may also split data and accept certain parts only, which is e.g. the case if an input object crosses the boundary of a geometric validation region.
  • Transformers accept and hence pass all data, but change their geometry or attributes.

Most filters perform their operations based on proper parameters. The table below lists the implemented filter types together with their operations.

OPALS filter types and their operations
Name Class Inspects Parameters Operation
Generic selector, transformer attributes, point coordinates An expression consisting of constants, any of the supported attribute identifiers, and logical / comparison / arithmetic operators. Whole geometry objects for whose attributes the expression evaluates to true pass through.
Region selector geometry A simple (non-self-intersecting) polygon. Data (or datum parts) within the polygon pass through.
Echo selector attributes a set of acceptable echo descriptors Points with acceptable echo attributes pass through. The given descriptors are transformed internally to valid combinations of the attributes EchoNumber and NrOfEchos.
Class selector attributes a set of acceptable classifications Points with acceptable classifications (attribute Classification) pass through
Synthetic selector attributes Points having set the ‘synthetic’ bit (within the attribute ClassificationFlags) pass through
KeyPoint selector attributes Points having set the ‘keypoint’ bit (within the attribute ClassificationFlags) pass through
Withheld selector attributes Points having set the ‘withheld’ bit (within the attribute ClassificationFlags) pass through
Semantic selector attributes a set of acceptable semantic descriptors Data with acceptable semantic descriptors (attribute ScopSemantic) pass through
Affine transformer geometry the 12 parameters of a 3d affine transformation given by a transformation matrix \( A = [a_{i,j}]_{3 \times 3}\) and a translation vector \( b = [b_{k}]_{3 \times 1}\) The coordinates \(\{X,Y,Z\}\) of data vertices are transformed to \(\{X',Y',Z'\}\) by application of

\[ \begin{pmatrix} X' \\ Y' \\ Z' \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} &a_{1,3} \\ a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & a_{2,3} \\ a_{3,1} & a_{3,2} & a_{3,3} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} X \\ Y \\ Z \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} b_{1} \\ b_{2} \\ b_{3} \end{pmatrix} \]

Attributes are passed unchanged. Inversion of this filter yields the application of the inverse transformation.
EchoWidthDepOnAmp selector attributes a continuous, piecewise linear function The function defines the maximum echo width (attribute EchoWidth) for data to be acceptable, as a function of their amplitude (attribute Amplitude). It is thought to extend infinitely with constant value at its marginal nodes. Data featuring echo widths smaller or equal to this adaptive threshold pass through.
PointSeq selector attributes a set of acceptable indices The order of appearance (e.g. as read from file) of data is inspected. Points that appear consecutively and feature the same GPS-time (attribute GPSTime) are regarded as a sequence. Data featuring acceptable indices i.e. positions within these sequences pass through. Thus, as an exception to the rule that filters apply element-wise criterions, PointSeq considers data appearing before or after.
PointSeq2Echo transformer attributes The order of appearance (e.g. as read from file) of data is inspected. Points that appear consecutively and feature the same GPS-time (attribute GPSTime) are regarded as a sequence. To each point in such a sequence, the attributes EchoNumber and NrOfEchos are assigned, based on the point's position within the sequence and the sequence length.
Remove transformer attributes none, one, or more attribute identifiers If no attribute identifiers are given, then this filter removes all attributes from all data. This way, memory requirements may be lowered.
If one or more attribute identifiers are specified, then only these attributes will be removed from all data.
Primitive selector a set of acceptable primitive types Data of the specified primitive types pass through.
Pass All data pass through unmodified. This filter cannot be combined with others, and its specification simply underlines that no filter is used.

Tree composition from definition strings

Filters are invertible and may be combined to composite filters i.e. arbitrarily large filter trees. OPALS filters and filter trees are created based on definition strings that adhere to a special syntax.

Module parameters containing the word 'filter' expect strings of this structure. Informal syntax definition with examples presents a rather colloquial definition of this syntax, together with exemplary filter definition strings. The syntax is defined formally in section Formal grammar

Informal syntax definition with examples

Filters are specified using their names. For filters depending on parameters, respective filter parameter definitions must be appended, enclosed in square brackets. These must adhere to filter-specific parameter syntaxes, which are given in the table below.

OPALS filter parameter syntax, informal description
Filter name Parameter syntax Exemplary filter definition
Generic see the separate page for Generic filter

Generic[ SigmaZ < 0.01 ]
geometry objects that provide an attribute identified by "SigmaZ", with a value smaller than 0.01 pass through

Generic[ abs( atan2( NormalY, NormalX) * 180 / pi ) < 30 and PointLabel == "Vienna" ]
geometry objects whose planar normal vector direction deviates by less than \(\pm 30^{\circ}\), and whose point label is "Vienna" pass through


The query or analysis to be performed (optional), followed by

  • two or more points in 2-D (required), or
  • name of a file from which polygons are to be loaded


The supported queries and analyses are a subset of those defined by OGC's Simple Feature Access. Queries leave their arguments unchanged and return a truth value. Analyses perform the respective geometric operation, replace the current geometry object with its result, and return true if the result is non-empty, or false otherwise. Defaults to intersects, if not specified.

Either the name of a file from which polygons shall be loaded must follow, or two or more 2-tuples of real numbers. Each 2-tuple defines a 2-dimensional position, and the sequence of tuples defines the simple polygon that is used as the second argument of the query or analysis. Two 2-tuples define an axis-aligned rectangle. More than two 2-tuples surround the polygon's interior in counter-clockwise order.

Supported queries and analyses

Note that the distinction between intersects and intersection is relevant only for 1- and 2-dimensional objects, but not for points.

Region[ -10 -10 10 10 ]
defines a selection window / axis-aligned rectangle (the first two real numbers define the lower left corner). As query/analysis defaults to intersects, geometries that intersect the window pass the filter unchanged.

Region[ intersection -10 -10 10 10 ]
performs an intersection using this window. Points either pass through unchanged or not at all. Polylines and polygons are split at the window's edges, and only the parts inside the window pass the filter.

Region[ -13.66 -3.66 3.66 -13.66 13.66 3.66 -3.66 13.66 ]
defines a quadrilateral (in this case, the window from above, rotated by -30 degrees)

Region[ outline.shp ]
lets all data pass through that intersect the union of polygons contained in the file outline.shp

Echo One or more echo descriptors. Valid descriptors are:
  • First
  • Last
  • Intermediate
  • Single
First : echo number == 0 Or echo number == 1
Last : echo number == number of echoes
Intermediate: NOT( First OR Last )
Single: First AND Last
Multiple descriptors are combined with OR.

last-echo-points only
Note that the following is equivalent:
Generic[EchoNumber == NrOfEchos]

Echo[First Last]
last-echo- or first-echo-points

Class One or more classification descriptors. Valid descriptors are:
  • Created
  • Unclassified
  • Ground
  • LowVegetation
  • MediumVegetation
  • HighVegetation
  • Building
  • LowPoint
  • ModelKeyPoint
  • Water
  • Rail
  • RoadSurface
  • OverlapPoint
  • WireGuard
  • WireConductor
  • TransmissionTower
  • WireStructureConnector
  • BridgeDeck
  • HighNoise
  • Other
These textual descriptors correspond to the union of classifications defined in LAS versions 1.1 to 1.4, extended by Other, which selects everything but the classifications defined in LAS v.1.1. In addition to these textual descriptors, non-negative numbers are supported. Multiple descriptors are combined with OR.
Class[Ground Water]
terrain-data or data on water Class[64]
user-defined class 64
Synthetic Synthetic
Data whose synthetic-bit is set i.e. data that hold a ‘ClassBits’-attribute, and whose synthetic-bit within the class-bits is 1
KeyPoint KeyPoint
Data whose keypoint-bit is set
Withheld Not Withheld
Data whose withheld-bit is not set i.e. data that either do not hold a ‘ClassBits’-attribute, or whose withheld-bit is 0
Semantic One or more semantics descriptors. Valid descriptors are:
  • Profile
  • GridPoint
  • Alignement
  • CrossSection
  • ContourLine
  • BulkData
  • BulkData
  • SpotHeight
  • FormLine
  • BreakLine
  • BorderLine
  • EnclaveLine
  • FaultLine
All of these descriptors may be rendered more precisely by applying one or both of the following height descriptors to them:
  • 2d - 2-dimensional data only
  • OffTerrain - data not on the terrain

bulk data only

2-dimensional breaklines only

Affine a sequence of 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, or 12 real numbers. If less than 12 values are supplied, then the other parameters are set to neutral values w.r.t. the transformation.
# values parameters set in order of appearance meaning
2 \( b_{1}, b_{2} \) 2d translation
3 \( b_{1}, b_{2}, b_{3} \) 3d translation
4 \( a_{1,1}, a_{1,2}, a_{2,1}, a_{2,2} \) 2d linear transformation
6 \( a_{1,1}, a_{1,2}, a_{2,1}, a_{2,2}, b_{1}, b_{2} \) 2d affine transformation
9 \( a_{1,1}, a_{1,2}, a_{1,3}, a_{2,1}, a_{2,2}, a_{2,3}, a_{3,1}, a_{3,2}, a_{3,3} \) 3d linear transformation
12 \( a_{1,1}, a_{1,2}, a_{1,3}, a_{2,1}, a_{2,2}, a_{2,3}, a_{3,1}, a_{3,2}, a_{3,3}, b_{1}, b_{2}, b_{3} \) 3d affine transformation

Affine[100 200]
2d translate the data

Affine[0.87 0.5 -0.5 0.87]
2d rotate the data by \(-30^\circ\) (i.e. clockwise), without translation

EchoWidthDepOnAmp a sequence of one or more 2-tuples of real numbers, separated by commas. In each tuple, the first element specifies the amplitude for which the second element specifies the maximum admissible echo width. EchoWidthDepOnAmp[ 150 1.7, 100 1.75, 30 1.8 ]
PointSeq One or more position descriptors. Valid descriptors are:
  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Begin - select an arbitrary position, indexed from the start. PointSeq[First] = PointSeq[Begin[1]].
  • TwoBeforeLast
  • OneBeforeLast
  • Last
  • End - select an arbitrary position, indexed from the end. PointSeq[Last] = PointSeq[End[1]].
Multiple descriptors are combined with OR. The descriptors 'Begin' and 'End' require attributes themselves, namely a positive integer.

the second datum in a sequence

PointSeq[ Begin[5] Begin[6] ]
the fifth and sixth datum in a sequence

PointSeq2Echo PointSeq2Echo
Remove none, one, or more predefined or custom attribute identifiers

remove all attributes

Remove[SigmaX _myAttribute]
remove the predefined attribute SigmaX and the custom attribute _myAttribute

Primitive One or more primitive type descriptors. Valid descriptors are:
  • Point3
  • Polyline3
  • Polygon2_5
  • Window
  • Box
  • Plane
  • Quadric
  • Line2
Multiple descriptors are combined with OR.

only points pass through

Primitive[ Point3 Polyline3 ]
only points and polylines pass through

Composite filters

Filters may be inverted by prefixing the filter name with the unary operator NOT. Furthermore, two filters are combined logically by inserting either of the binary operators AND and OR between them. Finally, filters may be grouped by enclosing them in round brackets. Filters are generally evaluated from left to right. The operator precedence and hence the structure of filter trees will be familiar to users: NOT is evaluated first, then AND, finally OR.

For convenience, the three logical operators have aliases: ! for NOT, && for AND, and || for OR.

Following are two examples for composite filters. For the sake of better readability, linebreaks have been inserted.

Select last-echo-data that is either inside a window, or features some classification flag and either of two semantics:

Echo [Last]
Region [100.00 100.00 150.00 125.00]
NOT Class [Unclassified]
Semantic[ Formline Breakline[2d] ]

Select data with acceptable echo width, translate them and finally remove any attributes:

EchoWidthDepOnAmp[ 150 1.7, 100 1.75, 30 1.8 ]
Affine[1. 0. 0. 1. 100 200]

Formal grammar

Graphical repesentation

Railroad diagrams

For the graphical representation of formal grammars, we use railroad diagrams. These diagrams display

terminals (characters to be typed) as rounded rectangles filled with dark yellow,
non-terminals (syntax rules) as rectangles filled with medium yellow, and
regular expressions (rules that input text must stick to) as hexagons filled with light yellow.

Filter string syntax

The generic filter syntax represented as railroad diagrams. The syntax for rules GenericFilterAttrib and Attribute can be found here: GenericFilter.


And Or || PassFilter


Inverted And &&


Leaf ( Or ) Not ! Inverted


GenericFilter RegionFilter EchoFilter ClassFilter SyntheticFilter KeyPointFilter WithheldFilter SemanticFilter AffineTrafoFilter EchoWidthDepOnAmpFilter PointSeqFilter PointSeq2EchoFilter RemoveFilter PrimitiveFilter


Generic [ GenericFilterAttrib ]


Region [ intersects intersection Real2 Real2 ]


Echo [ First Last Intermediate Single ]


Class [ Unclassified Ground LowVegetation MediumVegetation HighVegetation Building LowPoint ModelKeyPoint Water OverlapPoint Uint ]


Synthetic [ ]


KeyPoint [ ]


Withheld [ ]


Semantic [ Profile GridPoint Alignement CrossSection Contourline BulkData SpotHeights Formline Breakline Borderline Enclaveline Faultline [ 2d OffTerrain ] ]


Affine [ Real2 Real3 Real2 Real2 Real3 Real3 Real3 Real3 Real3 Real3 Real3 Real3 Real3 ]


EchoWidthDepOnAmp [ Real2 , Real2 ]


PointSeq [ First Second Third Last OneBeforeLast TwoBeforeLast Begin End [ + [0-9] ] ]


PointSeq2Echo [ ]


Remove [ Attribute ]


Primitive [ Point3 Polyline3 Polygon2_5 Window Box Plane Quadric Line2 ]




Real Real


Real Real Real


+ - [0-9] . [0-9] . [0-9] e E + - [0-9]



  ... generated by Railroad Diagram Generator R R

Representation in EBNF syntax

In computer science, the Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF) is a metasyntax notation used to express context-free grammars: i.e., a formal way to describe computer programming languages and other formal languages. It is an extension of the basic Backus Naur Form (BNF) metasyntax notation.

EBNF was originally developed by Niklaus Wirth. However, many variants/dialects of EBNF are in use. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has adopted an EBNF standard for the specification of XML, which is used to define the syntax of OPALS filter definition strings formally.

W3C-EBNF basics

This W3C variant of EBNF uses the following conventions:

rule: name::=...;
terminal item: '...' | "..."
Non-terminal item: ...
Choice: |
Optional: (...)?
Zero or more repetitions: (...)*
One or more repetitions: (...)+
Grouping: (...)
Comment: /*...*/
Exception: -

Filter string syntax

The W3C-EBNF conforming filter string syntax is defined as follows. The syntax for rules GenericFilterAttrib and Attribute can be found here: GenericFilter.

Filter ::= And ( ( "Or" | "||" ) And )* | PassFilter
And ::= Inverted ( ( "And" | "&&" ) Inverted )*
Inverted ::=
| "(" Or ")"
| ( "Not" | "!" ) Inverted
Leaf ::=
| RegionFilter
| EchoFilter
| ClassFilter
| SyntheticFilter
| KeyPointFilter
| WithheldFilter
| SemanticFilter
| AffineTrafoFilter
| EchoWidthDepOnAmpFilter
| PointSeqFilter
| PointSeq2EchoFilter
| RemoveFilter
| PrimitiveFilter
GenericFilter ::=
"Generic" "[" GenericFilterAttrib "]"
RegionFilter ::=
"Region" "["
( "intersects" | "intersection" )? Real2 Real2+
EchoFilter ::=
"Echo" "[" ( "First" | "Last" | "Intermediate" | "Single" )+ "]"
ClassFilter ::=
"Class" "["
( "Unclassified" | "Ground" | "LowVegetation"
| "MediumVegetation" | "HighVegetation" | "Building"
| "LowPoint" | "ModelKeyPoint" | "Water"
| "OverlapPoint" | Uint
SyntheticFilter ::= "Synthetic" ( "[" "]" )?
KeyPointFilter ::= "KeyPoint" ( "[" "]" )?
WithheldFilter ::= "Withheld" ( "[" "]" )?
SemanticFilter ::=
"Semantic" "["
( ( "Profile" | "GridPoint" | "Alignement"
| "CrossSection" | "Contourline" | "BulkData"
| "SpotHeights" | "Formline" | "Breakline"
| "Borderline" | "Enclaveline" | "Faultline" )
( "[" ( "2d" | "OffTerrain" )+ "]" )?
AffineTrafoFilter ::=
"Affine" "["
| Real3
| Real2 Real2
| Real3 Real3
| Real3 Real3 Real3
| Real3 Real3 Real3 Real3
EchoWidthDepOnAmpFilter ::=
"EchoWidthDepOnAmp" "["
Real2 ( "," Real2 )+
/* First=Begin[1], Last=End[1] */
PointSeqFilter ::=
"PointSeq" "["
( "First" | "Second" | "Third" | "Last"
| "OneBeforeLast" | "TwoBeforeLast"
| ( "Begin" | "End" ) "[" '+'? [0-9]+ "]"
PointSeq2EchoFilter ::= "PointSeq2Echo" ( "[" "]" )?
RemoveFilter ::= "Remove" ( "[" ( Attribute )* "]" )?
PrimitiveFilter ::=
"Primitive" "["
( "Point3" | "Polyline3" | "Polygon2_5"
| "Window" | "Box" | "Plane"
| "Quadric" | "Line2"
PassFilter ::= "Pass"
Real2 ::= Real Real
Real3 ::= Real Real Real
Real ::= [+-]? ( [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]*
| '.'? [0-9]+
) ( [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+ )?
Uint ::= [0-9]+