IGridFeature Class Referenceabstract

Derives feature models (slope, curvature, roughness, etc.) from grid models based on the local grid neighbourhood defined by a kernel. More...

#include "IGridFeature.hpp"

+ Inheritance diagram for IGridFeature:

Static Public Member Functions

static IGridFeatureNew ()
static IGridFeatureNew (IControlObject &controlObject)
static IGridFeatureNew (const IModuleBase &parent)
static IGridFeatureNew (const IModuleBase &parent, IControlObject &controlObject)

Access to module-specific options.

using Options = opts::GridFeature::Options
Optionsopts () override=0
const Optionsopts () const override=0

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from IModuleBase
virtual ~IModuleBase ()
 Make sure to delete instances after use with Delete()
virtual void Delete ()=0
 Destroy modules allocated on the heap. More...
virtual ParamList run (bool reset=false)=0
virtual void reset ()=0
 Resets the module to the state after construction.
virtual opals::String name () const =0
 Returns the module name.
virtual opals::String version () const =0
 Returns the module version.
virtual opals::String special_build () const =0
 Returns the special build version.
virtual opals::String compilation_date_time () const =0
 Returns a string representing the compilation date and time.
virtual void mapParams (const ParamList &paramList)=0
 Sets module parameters from paramList according to parameter "paramMapping".
virtual void set_controlObject (IControlObject &obj)=0
 Sets control object for retrieving status information during processing.
virtual void unset_controlObject ()=0
 remove control object from the message queue
virtual opts::glob::Optionsglobals ()=0
virtual const opts::glob::Optionsglobals () const =0
virtual opts::comm::Optionscommons ()=0
virtual const opts::comm::Optionscommons () const =0

Detailed Description

Derives feature models (slope, curvature, roughness, etc.) from grid models based on the local grid neighbourhood defined by a kernel.

The module opalsGridFeature reads a raster image in GDAL suppurted format and produces one or more output rasters containing specified grid features like slope, expositionm, differenct curvature measures, etc. For each output raster pixel the respective grid feature is calculated based on a kernel neighbourhood.

See also
Module GridFeature