python.workflows.preCutting Namespace Reference

Cuts an ODM/Raster file using one or more polygons of a shape file. More...


class  LoggerQuequeWrapper
class  preCutting


def boundingboximage (image)
def getcoordinatematrix (logger, tiff_path)
def create_polygon (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
def create_input_boundary_odm (logger, infile_boundaries_odm, layout, boundingboxes, coordmatrices)
def getoverlaps (inputBoundaryODM, infileLayout, boundingboxes, coordmatrices, polygon, geom_center, singleFilePerTile)
def worker_process (input_queue, output_queue, log_queue)
def background_logging (logger, log_queue)



Detailed Description

Cuts an ODM/Raster file using one or more polygons of a shape file.

In order to process them correctly, the polygons within the shapefile have to be non self-intersecting and must not have holes.

ATTENTION! In case of RASTER data, please make sure to handle the resampling and the rounding right. In case that the values should stay constant in resampling (e.g. Classification, Integer-values), nearestNeighbour resampling has to be used. For other applications (Height models etc.), bilinear and bicubic resampling modes are more suitable. Some raster properties and the resampling mode can lead to half-pixel offsets in the results! To avoid them, the rounding mode (-c) can be switched between center and corner.

See also
Script documentation