Contains the public interface of OPALS option types. More...
Classes | |
struct | IAcc_ |
Ultimately, defines the specialization of IAcc in the namespace according to Opt's enumerator. More... | |
struct | IAcc_< Opt, Opts... > |
struct | IArray |
An array of N options. More... | |
struct | IBase |
Base class of all option types. More... | |
struct | IContainer |
A container of options. More... | |
struct | IFeed |
A leaf that feeds values to its targets. More... | |
struct | IFeed< nam, false, T > |
A leaf that actually feeds values to its targets. More... | |
struct | IGroup |
A group of options. More... | |
class | Iterator |
struct | IValue |
A leaf that holds a value. More... | |
struct | IValue< nam, false, T > |
A leaf that holds a read-write value. More... | |
struct | IVector |
A vector of a variable number of options. More... | |
struct | IVector< nam, false, Opts... > |
A vector of a variable number of read-write options. More... | |
Typedefs | |
template<class... Opts> | |
using | IAcc = typename IAcc_< Opts... >::Type |
The specialization of IAcc for the first member of a group. More... | |
template<Names nam> | |
using | NameT = std::integral_constant< Names, nam > |
template<Nodes nod> | |
using | NodeT = std::integral_constant< Nodes, nod > |
Functions | |
Category | category (Names arg) |
Return the category for a given option name. | |
Contains the public interface of OPALS option types.
The specialization of IAcc for the first member of a group.
Opts | The members of the group. |
strong |
Enumerates all option categories.
Every option belongs to a single category.
strong |
Enumerates all option names.
Enumerator | |
temp | File path to replace $OPALS_TEMP with. |
force_coord_ref_sys | forces using CRS from coord_ref_sys option |
coord_ref_sys | default coordinate reference system (EPSG Code, WKT string or PRJ-File) |
coord_system | DEPRECATED OPTION: use option coord_ref_sys instead! |
points_in_memory | limit number of points kept in memory by the ODM |
max_log_file_mb | Maximum log file size [MB]. |
oformat_grid | default grid output format |
oformat_vector | default vector output format |
oformat_tin | default TIN output format |
oformat_lidar | default lidar output format |
data_type_grid | default output grid/raster data type |
create_option | dataset create options |
postfix_z | postfix for grid files representing z |
postfix_attribute | postfix for grid files repesenting an abitrary attribute |
postfix_min | postfix for minimum grid files |
postfix_max | postfix for maximum grid files |
postfix_range | postfix for differences between maximum and minimum grid files |
postfix_nmin | postfix for n-minimum grid files |
postfix_nmax | postfix for n-maximum grid files |
postfix_rms | postfix for rms grid files |
postfix_stdDev | postfix for standard deviation grid files |
postfix_var | postfix for variance grid files |
postfix_stdDevMad | postfix for standard deviation MAD grid files |
postfix_mean | postfix for mean grid files |
postfix_median | postfix for median grid files |
postfix_sum | postfix for sum grid files |
postfix_minority | postfix for minority grid files |
postfix_majority | postfix for majority grid files |
postfix_shannon_entropy | postfix for shannon entropy grid files |
postfix_quadratic_entropy | postfix for quadratic entropy grid files |
postfix_center | postfix for closest-to-cell-center grid files |
postfix_pdens | postfix for point density grid files |
postfix_pcount | postfix for point count grid files |
postfix_quantile | postfix for quantile grid files |
postfix_sigmaz | postfix for sigmaZ grid files |
postfix_sigma0 | postfix for sigma0 grid files |
postfix_excen | postfix for excentricity grid files |
postfix_slope | postfix for slope grid files (deprecated use slpPerc instead) |
postfix_slpPerc | postfix for slpPerc grid files |
postfix_slpDeg | postfix for slpDeg grid files |
postfix_slpRad | postfix for slpRad grid files |
postfix_expos | postfix for expostion grid files (deprecated use exposRad instead) |
postfix_exposRad | postfix for expostion grid files |
postfix_exposDeg | postfix for expostion grid files |
postfix_nx | postfix for normal x grid files |
postfix_ny | postfix for normal y grid files |
postfix_openness | postfix for openness grid files |
column_name_alias | column name alias |
postfix_kmin | postfix for minimum curvature grid files |
postfix_kmax | postfix for maximum curvature grid files |
postfix_kmean | postfix for mean curvature grid files |
postfix_kgauss | postfix for gaussian curvature grid files |
postfix_kminDir | postfix for azimuth of minimum curvature grid files |
postfix_kmaxDir | postfix for azimuth of maximum curvature grid files |
postfix_absKmaxDir | postfix for azimuth of maximum absolute curvature grid files |
postfix_precision | forgotten to check-in by gm |
task | String to replace $OPALS_TASK with. |
nbThreads | number of concurrent threads |
screenLogLevel | verbosity level of screen output |
fileLogLevel | verbosity level of log file output |
lineBufferedScreenLog | line buffered log output to screen |
logFile | log file path |
cfgFile | configuration file |
paramMapping | mapping of parameters from file to own parameters |
inParamFiles | parameters to import from file |
outParamFile | final parameter export |
scope | scope of execution |
deleteUselessOutFile | delete useless output file |
help | print this usage screen: help on parameters specific to this module |
helpCommon | get help on parameters present in all modules |
helpHtml | open the HTML help specific to this module |
helpChm | open the Compiled HTML Help specific to this module |
usageLevelMax | print help only for options with a usage level <= usageLevelMax |
options | query the options of this module; optionally, finalize input before |
examples | print short commandline examples to screen |
shortExampleTests | print short example unit tests as XML to screen |
version | print program version |
lockFile | lock file |
band | raster band number/index in case of multi-layer rasters |
restoreOrder | restore natural order of data (opalsExport) |
levels | individual height levels (e.g. opalsIsolines) |
nClasses | number of different classes (e.g. opalsZColor) |
nBins | number of different bins (e.g. opalsHisto) |
binWidth | width of a single bin (e.g. opalsHisto) |
palFile | palette file (opalsZcolor) |
legend | on / off / file=filename where legend in SVG format is to be written (opalsZcolor) |
scalePal | scale factor to be applied to the given palette (opalsZcolor) |
offsetPal | offset value to be applied to the given palette (opalsZcolor) |
zRange | range of z-values to be used for z-coloring (e.g. opalsZcolor) |
sampleRange | sample (attribute) range (e.g. opalsHisto) |
densityRange | density range (e.g. opalsHisto) |
voxelSize | defines the size (edge length) of voxel cube) |
filter | string to be parsed in construction of DM::IFilter (various modules) |
iFilter | input filter (e.g. opalsTIN) |
oFilter | output filter (e.g. opalsTIN) |
alphaFile | output file path for alpha shape (opalsTIN) |
alphaRadius | circumcircle radius for alpha shape (opalsBounds) |
hollowingThresh | point count above which to not triangulate all data but only their outer regions or borders (opalsBounds) |
condition | condition formula string for grid mask computation (opalsMask) |
formula | formula string for albegraic grid computations (opalsAlgebra) |
createAlpha | indicator for grid mask creation as alpha channel (opalsMask) |
ratioMode | echo ratio calculation mode |
minArea | minimum area |
minLength | minimum length |
overlap | specifies the overlap for sequential operations |
maxSigmaMAD | correspondences.strip2strip.rejection group(opalsStripAdjust) |
maxAngleDev | maximum angle between two elements (opalsICP, opalsLineTopology) |
maxMemory | amount of memory [MB] to be used by (various) modules |
maxTol | maximum tolerance (e.g. opalsSimplify) |
maxDist | maximum point distance (e.g. opalsSimplify, opalsSegmentation) |
maxIter | maximum number of iterations (various modules) |
gridMask | grid mask file |
gridFile | grid model file |
spotData | file containing (2D) positions (opalsLSM)) |
lsmMode | |
lsmTrafo | |
trafoType | transformation type (opalsICP) |
robFactor | factor used for robust estimation(opalsLSM) |
outTrafPars | output transformation parameters (opalsLSM, opalsGeorefApprox) |
navFrame | navigation frame (opalsAddTraj) |
mntCalFile | mounting calibration file (opalsAddTraj) |
obsTrafPars | input transformation parameters (opalsGeorefApprox) |
stripList | a list strip (opalsGeorefApprox) |
pairList | a list strip pairs (e.g. opalsOverlap) |
fixedStrip | fixed strip within the adjustment (opalsGeorefApprox) |
sigmaShift | sigma of additional shift observations (opalsGeorefApprox) |
storeMetaInfo | level of meta info that are stored (opalsNormals) |
searchMode | dimension of nearest neighbor search (opalsNormals) |
division | division mode for surface simplification (opalsSimplify) |
operation | coordinate operation for crs transformations (opalsTranslate) |
histogram | generic histogram (opalsHisto) |
plotFile | name of plot file (e.g. opalsHisto) |
boundsType | boundary type to use (e.g. opalsBounds) |
fillMask | input file (vector or raster) containing the data mask (e.g. result of opalsBounds) (opalsFillGaps) |
adaptive | group name for opalsFillGaps fill method 'adaptive' |
shading | shading algorithm (opalsShade) |
sunPosition | sun position (opalsShade) |
systemEchoWidth | echo width of system waveform - necessary for non FWF Data (opalsRadioCal) |
trafo | affine 3-d transformation (opalsExport) |
ignoreNoData | ignore no-data pixels withon kernel neighbourhood (opalsConvolution) |
edgeHandling | controls pixel values beyond the image border (opalsConvolution) |
normalize | normalize results (e.g. opalsConvolution) |
mounting | mounting calibration parameters (e.g. opalsDirectGeoref)) |
sigmaApriori | estimated accuracy of observations before adjustment (opalsRobFilter) |
robustWFAdpation | adaptions of the robust weight function (opalsRobFilter) |
penetration | estimated penetration rate |
direction | normals direction (e.g. opalsNormals) |
snapRadius | snap radius (e.g. opalsTIN: used for connecting close line endings) |
borderFile | border file path (e.g. opalsTIN) |
overlapFile | overlap file path (e.g. opalsOverlap ) |
compressCollinear | export/store first and last vertices only of a series of collinear vertices (e.g. opalsContouring) |
statistic | general statistic information about a given input file (opalsInfo) |
convThreshold | adjustment convergence threshold (opalsGeorefApprox) |
refModel | defines a reference model (e.g., horizontal/tilted plane or raster model) |
inSRS | input spatial reference system as WKT/proj4 description string or EPSG code (opalsReproject) |
outSRS | output spatial reference system as WKT/proj4 description string or EPSG code (opalsReproject) |
inGeoid | input geoid model raster file (opalsReproject) |
outGeoid | output geoid model raster file (opalsReproject) |
inZOffset | height offset of input SRS (opalsReproject) |
outZOffset | height offset of output SRS (opalsReproject) |
debugNormalsLen | length of the normal vectors (opalsNormals) |
refractiveIndex | refractive index (e.g. opalsSnellius) |
mtaZone | defines the MTA zone to resolve ambiguties of multiple-pluses-in-air-scanners (opalsFullwave) |
timeRange | process only a subset of the data the given time range (opalsFullwave) |
skipVoidAreas | skip all void parts of datasets for data processing (opalsALgebra) |
tFormat | file format of the trajectory file (opalsImport) |
storeBeamInfo | defines beam information that is attached during import (opalsImport) |
inGeometry | input (OGC) gemeotry |
outGeometry | output (OGC) gemeotry |
probabilities | (list of) proabability values [0..1] (opalsHisto)) |
sectionRange | start/stop stationing along the axis(opalsSection)) |
initValue | initialization value for specified cell (eg, opalsRasterize) |
samplingDist | defines a uniform sampling distance (eg, opalsICP) |
lineVertexDist | Regular distance for vertex spacing along linear geometries. |
lineBufferDist | Line buffer distance. |
modelPlaneThreshold | defines a vertical distance threshold between a model and a plane (opalsModelFormAxis) |
redPoint | defines the coordinates of a reduction point |
outDirectory | name of output directory |
tempDirectory | name of temporary directory |
transformData | boolean flag indicating whether or not to transform the input data (eg. opalsICP) |
fixedFile | fixed dataset within adjustment (opalsICP) |
multiBand | used by opalsGrid to enable or disable multibans instead of multiple files for features.. |
storeStatistics | used by zonal fit to store statistics as attribute in ODM file. |
approxFile | File containing approximation info. |
procMode | processing mode |
suppressRungs | remove all one-pixel-diagonal line elements (opalsVectorize, toPolyline) |
processId | defining a list of ids to process (opalsLineModeler) |
ignoreId | defining a list of ids to be ignored (opalsLineModeler) |
criterion | defining the segment homogeneity criterion (opalsSegmentation) |
minHeight | minimum (object) height |
maxWidth | maximum (object) width |
minConsensus | minimum level of consensus |
mergePolygon | merge polygon method (eg. opalsImport) |
thinOut | thin out contour lines (opalsIsolines) |
closeMin | suppress closed contours with area < closeMin (opalsIsolines) |
densification | densification mode (opalsIsolines) |
detector | edge detection method (opalsEdgeDetect) |
threshold | threshold (opalsEdgeDetect) |
method | method of computation (opalsFillGaps, opalsLineTopology) |
boundaryRatio | ratio between the valid boundary pixel of a gap and the number of gap-pixel that lie on the image boundary (opalsFillGaps) |
avgDist | average distance (opalsLineTopology) |
merge | Parameter group 'merge' (opalsLineTopology) |
minWeight | minimum weight (opalsLineTopology) |
relWeightLead | relative weight lead (opalsLineTopology) |
revertDist | revert distance (opalsLineTopology) |
revertInterval | revert interval (opalsLineTopology) |
searchGeneration | search generation (opalsLineTopology) |
preventIntersection | prevent intersection of lines (opalsLineTopology) |
wf | Parameter group 'wf' containing weight factor options (opalsLineTopology) |
dist | weight factor distance (opalsLineTopology) |
angle | weight factor angle (Hz, V) (opalsLineTopology) |
straightness | weight factor straightness (opalsLineTopology) |
perpDist | weight factor perpendicular distance (opalsLineTopology) |
clean | Parameter group 'clean' (opalsLineTopology) |
intersectSnapDist | omit distance for missing intersections (opalsLineTopology) |
deleteTempData | Delete temporary / intermediate data (opalsTerrainFilter) |
tempData | Temporary / intermediate data group (opalsStripAdjust) |
directory | Temporary / intermediate data directory path (opalsStripAdjust) |
cleanup | Cleanup / delete temporary / intermediate data (opalsStripAdjust) |
compress | Compress temporary / intermediate data (opalsStripAdjust) |
utm | UTM definition group (opalsStripAdjust) |
zone | UTM definition group (opalsStripAdjust) |
hemisphere | UTM definition group (opalsStripAdjust) |
adjustment | adjustment group (opalsStripAdjust) |
covariance | estimate covariance? (opalsStripAdjust) |
strips | strip group (opalsStripAdjust) |
calcScanAngle | strip group (opalsStripAdjust) |
scannerOrientation | strip group (opalsStripAdjust) |
session | strip group (opalsStripAdjust) |
sessions | sessions group (opalsStripAdjust) |
onlyLastEchoes | strip group (opalsStripAdjust) |
echoWidthMax | strip.filter group (opalsStripAdjust) |
scanAngleMaxAbs | strip.filter group (opalsStripAdjust) |
trajectory | strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
correctionModel | strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
samplingInterval | trajectory sampling interval [s] strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
boundaryDerivativeIsZero | strip.trajectory.boundaryDerivativeIsZero group (opalsStripAdjust) |
first | strip.trajectory.boundaryDerivativeIsZero group; first stage to be processed (opalsStripAdjust) |
second | strip.trajectory.boundaryDerivativeIsZero group (opalsStripAdjust) |
dX | strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
dY | strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
dZ | strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
dRoll | strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
dPitch | strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
dYaw | strip.trajectory group (opalsStripAdjust) |
value | strip.trajectory.dX/dY/dZ/dRoll/dPitch/dYaw groups (opalsStripAdjust) |
normals | normals group (opalsStripAdjust) |
maxPointDensity | |
controlPointClouds | controlPointClouds group(opalsStripAdjust) |
groundControlPoints | groundControlPoints group(opalsStripAdjust) |
timeLag | sessions.trajectory group(opalsStripAdjust) |
leverArm | sessions.adjustment group(opalsStripAdjust) |
X | sessions.adjustment.leverArm group(opalsStripAdjust) |
Y | sessions.adjustment.leverArm group(opalsStripAdjust) |
Z | sessions.adjustment.leverArm group(opalsStripAdjust) |
misalignment | sessions.adjustment.misalignment group(opalsStripAdjust) |
omega | sessions.adjustment.misalignment group(opalsStripAdjust) |
phi | sessions.adjustment.misalignment group(opalsStripAdjust) |
kappa | sessions.adjustment.misalignment group(opalsStripAdjust) |
scanner | sessions.adjustment.scanner group(opalsStripAdjust) |
range | scanner range group (opalsStripAdjust) |
offset | scanner range offset (opalsStripAdjust) |
scale | scanner range scale (opalsStripAdjust) |
scanAngle | sessions.adjustment.scanner.scanAngleOffset group(opalsStripAdjust) |
tiltAngle | sessions.adjustment.scanner.tiltAngleOffset group(opalsStripAdjust) |
datum | sessions.adjustment.datum group(opalsStripAdjust) |
correspondences | correspondences group(opalsStripAdjust) |
strip2strip | correspondences.strip2strip group(opalsStripAdjust) |
selection | correspondences.strip2strip.selection group(opalsStripAdjust) |
subsamplingPercentPoi | correspondences.strip2strip.selection group(opalsStripAdjust) |
weighting | correspondences.strip2strip.weighting group(opalsStripAdjust) |
byDeltaAngle | correspondences.strip2strip.weighting group(opalsStripAdjust) |
byRoughness | correspondences.strip2strip.weighting group(opalsStripAdjust) |
rejection | correspondences.strip2strip.rejection group(opalsStripAdjust) |
maxRoughness | correspondences.strip2strip.rejection group(opalsStripAdjust) |
control2strip | correspondences.control2strip group(opalsStripAdjust) |
dpSigPriori | correspondences.control2strip group(opalsStripAdjust) |
patchLength | patch length for structure line modelling (opalsLineModeler) |
patchWidth | patch width for structure line modelling (opalsLineModeler) |
pointCount | min und max point count for patches (opalsLineModeler) |
minAngle | minimum intersection angle (opalsLineModeler) |
sigmaPoint | height sigma of the point cloud data (opalsLineModeler) |
sigmaApprox | 2d sigma of the structure line approximation (opalsLineModeler) |
approximative | use precise(=slow) or approximative(=fast) computation (opalsBounds) |
maxArea | maximum area (opalsFillGaps) |
maxPixelRigorous | maximum number of gap-pixel for rigorous adaptive fill (opalsFillGaps) |
gapInfo | write additional gap information to files (opalsFillGaps) |
sigmaSmooth | gaussian smoothing sigma (opalsEdgeDetect) |
exportHeader | export header features (opalsInfo) -> deprecated |
seedCalculator | Calculator for seed point order (opalsSegmentation) |
condClustering | Parameter group 'condClustering' containing options for conditional clustering (opalsSegmentation) |
planeExtraction | Parameter group 'planeExtraction' containing options for planar surface extraction (opalsSegmentation) |
pyramidLevels | Number of data/image pyramid levels (opalsTerrainFilter) |
bulkPoints | specific parameter for category bulk points (opalsTerrainFilter) |
keyPoints | specific parameter for category key points (opalsTerrainFilter) |
formLines | specific parameter for category form lines (opalsTerrainFilter) |
breakLines | specific parameter for category break lines (opalsTerrainFilter) |
robustInterpolation | group of specific parameters for robust interpolation (opalsTerrainFilter) |
writeFilterInfo | write filter information to odm (opalsTerrainFilter) |
filterThresholds | filter thresholds for hierarchical levels (opalsTerrainFilter) |
lowerThresholdScale | scale for asymmetric filter thresholds (opalsTerrainFilter) |
robustIter | number of robust iterations (opalsStripAdjust) |
images | images group (opalsStripAdjust) |
camera | camera ID (opalsStripAdjust) |
cameras | cameras group (opalsStripAdjust) |
extOri | exterior orientation (opalsStripAdjust) |
dExtOri | delta exterior orientation (opalsStripAdjust) |
X0 | Projection center's X-coordinate. |
Y0 | Projection center's Y-coordinate. |
Z0 | Projection center's Z-coordinate. |
dX0 | Projection center's X-coordinate offset (opalsStripAdjust) |
dY0 | Projection center's Y-coordinate offset (opalsStripAdjust) |
dZ0 | Projection center's Z-coordinate offset (opalsStripAdjust) |
dOmega | omega angle offset (opalsStripAdjust) |
dPhi | phi angle offset (opalsStripAdjust) |
dKappa | kappa angle offset (opalsStripAdjust) |
intOri | interior orientation (opalsStripAdjust) |
c | focal length (opalsStripAdjust) |
distortion | lens distortion (opalsStripAdjust) |
undistort | create undistorted images (opalsStripAdjust) |
rho0 | lens distortion normalization radius (opalsStripAdjust) |
a3 | radial lens distortion, 3rd degree ORIENT:3 (opalsStripAdjust) |
a4 | radial lens distortion, 5th degree ORIENT:4 (opalsStripAdjust) |
a5 | tangential lens distortion, bilinear in y ORIENT:5 (opalsStripAdjust) |
a6 | tangential lens distortion, bilinear in x ORIENT:6 (opalsStripAdjust) |
oriFile | file with a priori exterior image orientation (opalsStripAdjust) |
obsFile | file with image point observations (opalsStripAdjust) |
forwardIntersect | forward intersection of tie points group (opalsStripAdjust) |
xSigPriori | standard deviation a priori of x-coordinate (opalsStripAdjust) |
ySigPriori | standard deviation a priori of x-coordinate (opalsStripAdjust) |
image2image | image-to-image correspondences group (opalsStripAdjust) |
minImageCount | minimum number of image points for a tie point (opalsStripAdjust) |
image2strip | image-to-strip correspondences group (opalsStripAdjust) |
extrapolationCheck | check for extrapolation (opalsGrid) |
splitByAttribute | split data set by a certain (integer-valued) attribute(opalsTranslate) |
applyTrafo | determines whether to apply transformation to first or second input file(opalsDiff) |
exactComputation | flag for exact median computation (opalsHisto) |
spikeRemoval | flag for removing spikes in the final modelling result (opalsLineModeler) |
oriFormat | file format for image orientations (opalsSnellius) |
workflow | group for workflow control (opalsStripAdjust) |
stages | group to limit the stages to be processed (opalsStripAdjust) |
last | last stage to be processed (opalsStripAdjust) |
strip | strip ID of an image (opalsStripAdjust) |
checkPoints | IDs of check points (opalsStripAdjust) |
maxReprojectionError | maximum reprojection error (opalsStripAdjust) |
segments | segment manager (opalsSegmentation) |
alphaShapeRefPlane | reference plane for alpha shapes (opalsSegmentation) |
sort | sorting method (opalsSegmentation: sorting of segments) |
byproduct | optional output that is not the central result of a module run (opalsSegmentation: segment odm representation) |
crsTrafo | crs transformation group (opalsTranslate) |
inCRS | input coordinate reference system as WKT/proj4 description string or EPSG code (opalsTranslate) |
outCRS | output coordinate reference system as WKT/proj4 description string or EPSG code (opalsTranslate) |
groundTiePoints | group for tie object points (opalsStripAdjust) |
aFormat | format for approximate file (opalsDBH) |
trace | for tracing a stem up and downwards (opalsDBH) |
classifyOverlap | test option for opalsTerrainFiler |
valueFrequency | option for opalsInfo for extracting the value frequencies for certain attributes/bands |
skipEmptyBins | skips empty bin entries in the histogram (opalsHisto) |
exportOverview | export overview features (opalsInfo) |
mergeWidth | merge width defining the band for blending multiple raster (opalsGridMerge) |
nonOverlapMerge | merging non-overlapping datasets (opalsGridMerge) |
mergeFunc | merge function for blending multiple raster (opalsGridMerge) |
activateBorderMerge | flag if grid files should be merged at the border (opalsGridMerge) |
style | Parameter group 'style' containing styling-options for isolines (opalsIsolines) |
maxSlope | defines maximum slope to consider (opalsIsolines) |
deviation | byproduct deviation file (opalsGridMerge) |
processStructure | byproduct structure file (opalsGridMerge) |
maxBridgeDist | defines maximum distance to be bridged (opalsIsolines) |
generateOFD | defines maximum distance to be bridged (opalsInfo) |
file | generic file parameter (opalsInfo) |
format | generic format parameter (opalsInfo) |
distributionFunc | definition of reference distribution (opalsHisto) |
cumulativeHistogram | flag for activating the cumulative histogram (opalsHisto) |
setAttribute | generic ground point calculator setting (opalsTerrainFilter) |
enduranceMode | force to continue processing (with next file/dataset) where normally an expcetions would be thrown (opalsInfo) |
refinePlanes | activates refining step for plane extraction (opalsSegementation) |