// =================================================================
// example showing how to spatially process an ODM.
// based on a generic neighborhood definition statistical features
// are extracted and attached as attributes to each point
// =================================================================
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include "DM/IAddInfoLayoutFactory.hpp"
#include "DM/IQueryDescriptor.hpp"
#include "DM/Datamanager.hpp"
#include "DM/Processor/IProcessorEx.hpp"
using namespace std;
// callback object computing the user-defined attributes '_pcount' and '_zmean'
class Kernel : public DM::IKernelPointEx
Kernel() {
///returns a copy of the object (required for multi-threaded execution)
DM::IKernelBase* threadClone() const {
return new Kernel(*this);
// callback notifies about a changed leaf
void leafChanged(const DM::IPointIndexLeaf &leaf, DM::PointIndexLeafHandle &localTree) {
cout << "process tile with id = " << << endl;
// callback notifies that all leaf handels should be released
void releaseLeaf() {
// callback for processing a point
bool process(const DM::IPoint &source, DM::IPoint &target, const DM::IPointSet &neighbours) {
// add neighbour count(_pcount) and z mean of neighbours(_zmean) to the current point
double zsum = 0;
for (unsigned n = 0; n < neighbours.sizePoint(); n++)
zsum += neighbours[n].z();
}, neighbours.sizePoint());
if (neighbours.sizePoint() > 0)
float zmean = zsum / float(neighbours.sizePoint());, zmean);
// return true if the point was changed otherwise false
// this internally marks the current point leaf as changed(= needs to be written to disk)
return true;
void DM_spatial_processing(const char *odm)
//open the odm
DM::DatamanagerHandle dm = DM::IDatamanager::load(odm, false/*readOnly*/, true/*threadSafety*/);
//if the dm wasn't opened successful exit function
if (!dm)
cout << "Unable to open ODM '" << odm << "'" << endl;
// creates the appropriate attribute layout for processing
DM::AddInfoLayoutFactoryHandle lf = DM::IAddInfoLayoutFactory::New();
lf->addColumn(DM::ColumnType::int32, "_pcount"); // column 0
lf->addColumn(DM::ColumnType::float_, "_zmean"); // column 1
DM::AddInfoLayoutHandle layout = lf->getLayout();
DM::AddInfoLayoutHandle kernelLayout = lf->getLayout();
// create spatial selection
DM::IQueryDescriptor::Vocabulary::full); // use a sphere with radius 1m as neighbourhood definition(textual description)
//DM::QuerySphereHandle sphere = DM::IQuerySphere::New(/*r*/1); // sphere with radius 1m(class based description)
//DM::QueryKnnHandle knn = DM::IQueryKnn::New(/*k*/12, /*dim*/3); // 3d knn with 12 neighbours(class based description)
//DM::QueryDescriptorHandle query = DM::IQueryDescriptor::New(sphere); // create actual neighbourhood definition : fixed distance
//DM::QueryDescriptorHandle query = DM::IQueryDescriptor::New(knn && sphere); // create actual neighbourhood definition : knn with a maximum search radius
cout << "Ready to append attribute '_pcount' and '_zmean' to '" << odm << "'" << endl;
DM::PointIndexHandle pi = dm->getPointIndex();
cout << "Number of tiles to process = " << pi->sizeLeaf();
// create kernel object
Kernel k;
auto start = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// create processor
// pyDM.ProcessorEx parameter : dm(datamnager), query(QueryDescriptor),
// processFilter, processLayout, processLayoutReadOnly,
// neighbourFilter, neighbourLayout, neighbourLayoutReadOnly
DM::ProcessorExHandle processor = DM::IProcessorEx::New(dm, query,
DM::FilterHandle(), layout, false,
processor->runThreaded(k); // perform computation
auto stop = chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
cout << "Processing took " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(stop-start).count()/double(1000) << " [s]" << endl;
// save manager object
cout << "Save manager" << endl;
cout << "done" << endl;
static IQueryDescriptor * New()
creates an empty query descriptor object
The kernel processor concept is used for manipulating geometry objects within an ODM in an efficient ...
Definition: IKernelBase.hpp:16
@ int32
name: "int32". 4 byte, signed integer
Definition: Handle.hpp:427
object representing a spatial leaf within a point index
Definition: IPointIndexLeaf.hpp:30
kernel for handling point object
Definition: IKernelVectorEx.hpp:18
@ float_
name: "float". 4 byte, real
@ odm
OPALS Datamanager file.
static IDatamanager * load(const char *filename, bool readOnly=false, bool threadSafety=true)
Smart pointer class using reference counting with support for DM objects (see ObjectBase)
Definition: Handle.hpp:75
a set of 3d point object
Definition: IPointSet.hpp:16
3d point object
Definition: IPoint.hpp:14