Enumerator |
ok | no error
unknown | unknown error number, which may appear if exceptions are throw inside used library
internally | programming error which appears if the opals framework wasn't used correctly;
parameter | a general parameter error (usually comes from boost::program_options)
unknownParameter | thrown if an unknown parameter was set as a command line parameter
ambiguousParameter | thrown if there are ambiguities amoung several possible parameter names
invalidSyntax | thrown if the command line parameters contain an invalid syntax
paramQueriedBeforeSet | thrown if a parameter value is queried although the value has not been set (neither internally, nor externally)
fileExistence | thrown if the provided filename doesn't exist.
fileReadAccess | thrown if the provided file cannot be accessed for reading.
fileWriteAccess | thrown if the provided file cannot be accessed for writing.
aliasColumnName | thrown if an alias is set for unknown column name (only predefined column name are allowed)
aliasAlreadyDefined | thrown if an alias is used multiple times
gdalReadAccess | thrown if the provided file cannot be opened as a GDAL raster (GDALOpen returns NULL)
unknownStripName | thrown if a strip name was provided that is unknown
xmlParsing | thrown if the provided xml file could not be parsed
fileFormatDefinition | thrown if an error in the OPALS file format definition was detected.
unknownAttribute | thrown a specified attribute doesn't exists in the corresponding odm.
odmReadAccess | thrown if the provided file cannot be opened as an ODM
differentCRS | thrown if input data set have different coordinate reference systems
missingCRS | thrown if a module requires a coordinate reference systems to be set
fileCorrupt | general file corruption error: thrown if a file to be used is not interpretable
logFileCorrupt | thrown if an existing log file shall be used, but the correct position to proceed writing cannot be determined
paramFileCorrupt | thrown if an existing parameter file shall be appended to, but the correct position to proceed writing cannot be determined, resulting in a probably ill-formed XML-file
licence | general licence error
python | An error occurred during a call to a Python interpreter. Reflects Python's built-in class exceptions.BaseException.
pythonException | Reflects Python's built-in class exceptions.Exception.
All of Python's built-in, non-system-exiting exceptions are derived from that class.
pythonArithmeticError | Reflects Python's built-in class exceptions.ArithmeticError.
Python's base class for those built-in exceptions that are raised for various arithmetic errors.
pythonNameError | Reflects Python's built-in class exceptions.NameError.
Raised by Python when a local or global name is not found.
pythonSyntaxError | Reflects Python's built-in class exceptions.SyntaxError.
Raised by Python when the parser encounters a syntax error.
pythonTypeError | Reflects Python's built-in class exceptions.TypeError.
Raised by Python when an operation or function is applied to an object of inappropriate type.
pythonValueError | Reflects Python's built-in class exceptions.ValueError.
Raised by Python when a built-in operation or function receives an argument that has the right type but an inappropriate value.
userInterrupt | thrown by user programmer (in C++ or Python) to stop processing
riwaveError | thrown if an error is reported by the RiWave lib