Python script preTiling
See also

Aim of module

Tesselates a (flight) block into tiles of equal size.

General description

See also
Python script preTiling

Parameter description

Input Options
Settings concerning the input ODM files or the extents of the flight block.
-vector Path(s) to ODM files.
Type : PathArgument
Remark : optional
Description: Path(s), where the ODM vector files to tesselate are located [mandatory if no bounding box/Raster path is specified]
-raster Path(s) to raster files.
Type : PathArgument
Remark : optional
Description: Path(s), where GDAL supported raster files to tesselate are located [mandatory if no bounding box/Vector path is specified]
-bbox Instead of ODM files, the block extents can also be described giving their bounding box [mandatory if no Raster/Vector path is specified] Bounding Box
Type : Floating-point number
Remark : optional
Tiling Options
Settings concerning the tile extents.
-tileSize Tile size; Rectangular or x, y. (default: 1000)
Type : Floating-point number
Remark : optional, default: 1000
Description: Wanted tile size in meters. With one input, quadratic tiles are created. For rectangular tiles, the x- and y-extent has to be specified.
-overlap Overlap of tiles (default: 0)
Type : Floating-point number
Remark : optional, default: 0
Description: Overlap of adjacent tiles in meters. Same as for tile size, either one value for all directions or two seperate values for x and y can be specified.
-pointOrigin Point of origin for the tesselation. (default: 0;0)
Type : String
Remark : optional, default: '0;0'
Description: Point of origin for the tesselation. Either X- and Y-coordinate separated by semicolon or a corner of the block ["LL"|"UL"|"UR"|"LR"] can be specified. The X- and Y-coordinates of all corners will differ from (X,Y) of p0 by multiples of the x/y-tile size. So the point of origin defines an actual tile corner if it lies within the area of interest or a virtual one if it lies outside.
-areaOfInterest Path to a shapefile with area of Interest
Type : PathArgument
Remark : optional
Description: Path of a shapefile containing polygons that mark the area of interest. Only the overlapping areas will be tesselated.
Output Options
Settings concerning the output Shapefile.
-export Export path and filename
Type : PathArgument
Remark : optional
Description: Export [path]\[filename] for the resulting Shape file [path: estimable\ name: default = "Tiles.shp"].
-skipIfExists Skip processing if result already exists. (default: Boolean(True))
Type : Boolean
Remark : optional, default: Boolean(True)
Possible values:
-attribute - (default: id)
Type : String
Remark : optional, default: 'id'
Description: Name of the attribute containing the tile name.
-corner Corner for tile naming. (default: LL)
Type : String
Remark : optional, default: 'LL'
Description: Specification of the corner that is responsible for the tile name ["LL"|"UL"|"UR"|"LR"|"Index"|"Numbered"]. "Index" uses a numbering of rows and columns for the tile names. "Numbered" assigns numbers from 1 to n (total number of tiles).
-nDigits Number of digits in tile name (default: 6 for coordinates; default: 4 for indices)
Type : Integer
Remark : optional
Description: Number of digits of one coordinate/index in the tile name
-delimiter Delimiter for tile names. (default: _)
Type : String
Remark : optional, default: '_'
Description: Delimiter symbol for the two coordinates/indices in the tile name
Logging Options
Settings concerning the verbosity level of logging..
-screenLogLevel verbosity level of screen output (default: info)
Type : fromStr
Remark : optional, default: info
Description: The minimum level of log message importance to print on the screen
-fileLogLevel verbosity level of log file output (default: info)
Type : fromStr
Remark : optional, default: info
Description: The minimum level of log message importance to export to the xml-log
Example for an input path (-vector or -raster flag)
Example for -e flag usage (Each part -path, name or '.shp'- can be left out)

To be written.


As a prerequisite for the subsequent examples, please import the data using the following commands:

opalsImport -inf G111.las
opalsImport -inf G112.las
opalsImport -inf G113.las

Example 1

This example creates a square tiling with a side length of 100.

preTiling -vector G111.odm -tilesize 100 -skip False

Example 2

This example uses a wildcard to read all three input files and creates a rectangular tiling with 100 by 150 tiles and a 10% overlap in each direction. The origin of the tiling is set to the upper left corner and the naming of the tiles is set to the upper left corner with 8 digits and a '-' as delimiter.

preTiling -vector G11*.odm -tilesize 100 150 -overlap 10 15 -pointOrigin UL -corner UL -nDigits 8 -delimiter - -skip False
opalsImport is the executable file of Module Import
Definition: ModuleExecutables.hpp:113
@ overlap
specifies the overlap for sequential operations
@ vector
General vector data file (las, shp, ..)