
This document contains a list of all external libraries, software packages and data used in the OPALS program system.

Third party software

  • GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (including ECW support)
  • BOOST - peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
  • CGAL - Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
  • MPIR - Multiple Precision Integers and Rationals
  • MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-point computation library
  • Crypto++ - C++ class library of cryptographic schemes
  • Newmat - matrix library
  • Python - Programming Language
  • ShapeLib - C library for reading and writing ESRI shapefiles
  • SpatialIndex - Spatial Index C++ library
  • OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision library
  • expat - XML parser Library written in C
  • Xerces - XML parser Library written in C++
  • stringencoders - high performance c-string transformations
  • LASlib - C++ library for reading and writing LAS and LAZ files
  • ERDAS ECW/JP2 SDK - desktop read-only version for decoding ECW files
  • OpenJPEG - library for reading and writing JPEG 2000 files
  • rdblib - library for reading and writing Riegl rdbx files
  • riwavelib - library for reading Riegl fullwave sdf and wfm files
  • zstd - library for fast lossless compression algorithm (usable within GDAL)

All third party license files can be found in the $OPALS_ROOT/licenses_3rdPartySoftware directory.

Note on LASLib: In accordance with its licence, we link LASlib dynamically, with a custom-made shared library of LASlib, LAS_TOOLS_VERSION 190812, where symbols for the following classes have additionally been exported: LASindex, LASreaderLAS, LASzip.

The documentation is generated by Doxygen.

Third party data

The following table summarizes the datasets used in the $OPALS_ROOT/demo/ directory. See below for the terms of use.

Filename EPSG Format Sensor Type Owner
Dischmatal_fwf.sdf 25832 SDF LMS-Q680i Full waveform Sample Data File (alpine area, Switzerland) WSL
Dischmatal_tra.txt 25832 ASCII -------— Trajectory (x,y,z,t,roll,ptich,yaw) WSL
flyover.laz 5650 LAS LMS-Q680i 3D ALS point cloud (highway flyover, Germany, ground points only) AfGVK M-V
flyover_breaklines.shp 5650 SHAPE ------— 3D structure lines derived from flyover.laz point cloud AfGVK M-V
strip??.laz 25833 LAS LMS-Q1560 3D ALS point cloud (residential area, Austria, AoI of 6 flight strips) Riegl LMS
strip11_500ms.sdf 25833 SDF LMS-Q1560 Full Waveform Sample Data File (residential area, Austria) Riegl LMS
TrjStrips_utm33.txt 25833 ASCII -------— Trajectory (x,y,z,t,roll,ptich,yaw) Riegl LMS
railway.laz 25833 LAS LMS-Q1560 3D ALS point cloud (residential area, Austria, ground pts classified) Riegl LMS
strip149.las 25833 LAS VQ-820-G 3D topo-bathymetric point cloud (river area, Austria) Riegl LMS
dbh/trees.laz --— LAS VZ-2000 3D TLS point cloud of trees GEO/TU Wien
waterSurface.tif 25833 GeoTiff-------— River water surface model (river area, Austria) GEO/TU Wien
albis.tif 21781 GeoTiff-------— Digital Terrain Model (raster) (Albis, Switzerland) swisstopo
roomScan*.tif --— LAS Z+F Imager 5010 3D TLS point cloud of interior GEO/TU Wien
lionScan*.tif --— LAS Minolta VIVID 900 3D TLS point cloud of lion toy modelGEO/TU Wien
classify/niederrhein.laz 25832 LASLMS-Q560 Manually Classified Full Waveform Data File (river area, Germany) BfG
photoBathyPts.laz 25832 LAS PhaseOne Raw 3D points obtained via photo bathymetry IfP, University of Stuttgart
photoBathy* 25832 various-------— Camera orientation (ascii), water surface model (tif) and format defintion (xml) IfP, University of Stuttgart
211125_112749_1.rdbx --— RDB Riegl VQ-840-G 3D topo-bathymetric UAV-LiDAR point cloud Skyability GmbH

Data terms of use

The demo data listed above are the property of the institutions named as Owner. The usage is limited to instructional purposes demonstrating the functionality of the program system OPALS (TU Wien, Department for Geodesy and Geoinformation). Commercial use of the data is prohibited. The right of usage is granted for academic purposes (teaching and research) in case proper credit is given to the software and data owner.