Package opalsHydro

The package opalsHydro contains various modules for analysing and processing points on and below the water surface. The package also contains the qpals Water Surface Modeler which is an interactive tool in QGIS for modelling the water surface.

Scripts and Modules of Package opalsHydro
Modules Description
AddInfo Inserts or updates ODM attributes by combining existing attributes and/or grid models.
Export Exports vector data stored in an OPALS data manager (ODM) in various data formats.
Histo Derives histograms and descriptive statistics (min, max, mean, r.m.s, etc.) for ODM or grid/raster data sets and stores the results graphically (SVG) and numerically (XML).
Import Loads vector and raster data into an ODM for subsequent use in modules dealing with point cloud and line related data.
Info Extracts and reports header information of a vector or raster file (ODM, GDAL).
Rasterize Performs vector-to-raster conversion for all types of simple feature geometries (points, lines, polygons).
Section Extracts sections of user defined width/length along a specified reference axis from a point cloud (ODM).
Simplify Analyses a regular or hybrid grid model and generates an approximating TIN surface based on a coarse-to-fine approach.
Snellius Performs range and refraction corrections of raw laser bathymetry measurements according to Snell's law.
Translate Performs format conversion for vector data files with additional read support of GDAL rasters.
Vectorize Performs raster-to-vector conversion and exports polyline geometries.
View Provides an interactive 3d viewer for points (including arbitrary attributes) and lines.
ZColor Derives color coded visualizations of grid models and stores them as geo-coded raster images.